Darabont Dezső: A Tiszavilág II. absztraktjai (2007) / 884-2007
A TISZA VILÁG II. (A Tiszazugi Földrajzi Múzeum Közleményei) absztraktjai Dr. Tallósi Béla: A Tiszazug maradvány jellegű élőhelyeinek bogárvilága The beetle-world of the remanence habitats of the Tiszazug region — The Tiszazug is the richest area in natural values of the Mid-Tisza region. Several different types of natural habitats have been preserved at various locations in this varied landscape of mosaic arrangement. It is the rivers Tisza and Körös that play a determinant role in the natural characteristics of the region. After the regulation of the rivers, the characteristic low and high flood-basin habitats of the secondary landscape that were created during the construction has become arable lands by now. Despite the mainly intensive farming, one can still find untouched, mosaic-structured meadowlands and bents in the polders. The natron lakes and dead channels are of great importance, several of which can be found especially in the southern part of the area. There are not too many forests in the Tiszazug, and next to the smaller and bigger planted oaks, it is only the Tiszakiirt Arboretum that deserves special attention, as the sole example of real forest consociation. This paper is attempting to demonstrate the different types of habitats (rivers, riverbanks, dead channels, marshes, wetlands, salinas, meadows, aeolian soil, sandy lands, softwood and hardwood park forests etc.) and their special beetles. At the end of the paper, the processes that endanger the natural values and state of the area are presented. Dr. Madaras László: Régészeti feltárások Szelevény-Telekparton (Előzetes ásatási beszámoló a Kunszentmártoni Szilárd Hulladéklerakó területén végzett kutatásokról) Archaeological excavations in Szelevény-Telekpart (A preliminary account on the excavations carried out in the area of Kunszentmárton Szilárd Hulladéklerakó) — In 1998 we carried out a preliminary excavation in a provenance called Szelevény-Telekpart. In the area of approximately 14-15,000 square metres, we could observe the finds from three different cultures of the Neolithic era (plain fillet decoration culture, Szakálhát group and Tisza culture) and of the Sarmatians (2nd- 4th century AD). The moat of the Neolithic settlement(s) seems to be of outstanding importance, as well as the pit complex number 42, where we dug up three skeletons and a grave that most probably comes from cremation. Of the rich relics of the graves, a “pillow-shaped” painted pot with a face seems to attract one’s attention. Of the object of the Sarmatian village two workshops (a blacksmith’s and a potter’s) are worth mentioning, which provide a good insight into the life of craftsmen of the early age of migration of nations. The finds and their documentation can be found in the János Damjanich Museum of Szolnok. Dr. Bagi Gábor: Adalékok a tiszazugi tiszai átkelőhelyekhez a XVIII-XIX. században (A cibakházi rév és híd történetéhez) Additional data to the history of Tisza passing-places in the 18th and 19th centuries (and the Cibakháza bridge) — The Tiszazug region is at great disadvantage and underprivileged in many respects these days, located far away from the main lines of communication. Before 1526, many crossing points existed in the area, and after the Turkish were driven out of the country, it was the Cibakháza ferry that became the most important. It was connected to the passing-place of Kunszentmárton on the Körös, and it managed a considerable amount of traffic on the Pest-Arad and Pest-Gyula courses.