Gulyás Katalin et al. (szerk.): Tisicum. A Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok megyei Múzeumok évkönyve 28. (Szolnok, 2020)

Régészettudomány - Csányi Marietta: Múzeumi "raktárlelet". Kora bronzkori tárgyak Alattyánból

Marietta Csányi Museum "Hoard". Early Bronze Age Artefacts from Alattyán TISICUM XXVIII. In 1974 during a rescue excavation several prehistoric pits came to light in Alattyán. The site is situated on the hilly-groovy left bank of the Zagyva on the western edge of the town. Next to the Neolithic and Copper Age features a lone Bronze Age pit was found as well. The few sherds found in it show Early Bronze Age style marks in form and decoration technique. Next to the several brush-decorated pieces, one sherd had characteristic Nagyrév-cul­­ture jug profile. The material itself was catalogued dating as Nagyrév and Hatvan culture. Five vessel type can be reconstructed from the sherds. Only the jug fragment (1. tábla/6. and 3. tábla/1.) belongs to the Nagyrév-culture for sure. The analogues of the other forms - with small differences - appear in the Nagyrév-Hatvan materials, but their exact copies can be found in the previous Makó-Kosíhy-Caka-culture finds. The material from this one pit shows the newly accepted stance of the prehistoric archaeology, that archaeological cultures previously thought to be chronologically different could live next to each other in a mosaic-like pattern. 34

