Gulyás Katalin et al. (szerk.): Tisicum - A Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Múzeumok Évkönyve 22. (Szolnok, 2013)

Régészet - F. Kovács Péter: Egy késő vaskori teleprészlet a Jászságból – Jászberény–Almási-tanya 5. lelőhely. A késő vaskori telepek kutatásának helyzete és kutatástörténeti áttekintése

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Régészeti tanulmányok Nógrád megyéből Patay Pál tiszteletére (Szerk.: GUBA Szilvia - TANKÓ Károly) Szé- csény. 133-190. Péter Kovács A Late Iron Age Settlement from the Jászság (North- Western part of the Great Hungarian Plain) - Jászberény- Almási-tanya No. 5th site The State of Research of the Hungarian Late Iron Age Settlementarchaeology. The archaeology of Late Iron Age settlements was a less popular field of research until the late 20ths century, since the interest of archaeologists mainly focused on the cemeteries and oppidi. The change of focus was slow. Although one of the first excavations was conducted in the early 40's (at Hódmezővásárhely-Fehértó), the volume of these settlement ex­cavations was increased only from the early 60’s: Ácsa, Iván, Lébény, Csongrád-Vidresziget, Keszthely-Úsztató, Balatongyörök-Kövesmező, Szakály-Réti földek, Sopron-Krautacker. The results and methods of exca­vation at Sopron-Krautacker are prominent in the Hungarian Late Iron Age archaeology and the habitat of Győr-Ménfőcsanak is well published also. Excavations in ’00s at Barcs-Pusztabarcs, Zanat 0., Dunaszentgyörgy, Budapest-Tabán are illustrating the increasing importance of settlement archaeology. The Eastern part of Hungary was scarcely searched until the excavations over a larger area. Such as Sajópetri-Hosszúdűlő, Ludas-Varjú-dűlő, Pol­gár-Király-érpart, Nyékládháza-lstvántó, in the north part of Great Hun­garian Plain. As well as Kiskundorozsma, Kiskundorozsma-Homokbánya 4. (Sandpit 4.), Kiskundorozsma-Pick ülepítő-tározó, Szegvár-Kontra- part, Csanytelek-Palé, in the southern part of east Hungary. Important settlements from Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county are Kengyel-Kis-tan- ya, Kengyel-Baghymajor-Kengyelpart I., Törökszentmikós-Kenderpart, Tiszafüred-Morotvapart, Szelevény. In this paper - as another example of the above mentioned site-types - Jászberény-Almási-tanya No. 5th site, an unpublished settlement, will be introduced. It is situated in the north western part of the Great Hungarian Plain and considered to be a complex Late Iron Age settlement with stor­age pits, post structures, wells, fortifications and sunken floored buildings. Regarding the complexity of the settlement and the limits of this paper, only the four sunken buildings will be presented. The shapes and struc­tures of these buildings have been analysed extended by their analogies from other sites of Hungary. As a conclusion we can depict typical Late Iron Age buildings, however, various unique implementations can be defined, such as the disposition of benches, construction of hearths or the shape of the buildingpit. Moreover, the lack of methodological developing could be considered as another key problem of this research field. However, numerous descriptive data of building structures/forms have been known lately. This amount of information could be sufficient to begin a formation of a new point of view and also to re-think Late Iron Age settlements in a complex system by using results of household and landscape archaeology. The goal would be to get deeper knowledge of the socio-economy of the La Téne age communities. Translated by the author 74

