Gulyás Katalin – Horváth László – Kaposvári Gyöngyi szerk.: Tisicum - A Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Múzeumok Évkönyve 20. (2011)

Történelem - Vadász István: Kiss Pál honvédtábornok életútja

VADÁSZ ISTVÁN: KISS PÁL HONVÉDTÁBORNOK ÉLETÚTJA MÉSZÁROS Károly 1862 Kossuth levelei a magyar szabadságharc karvezérei­vel 1848/49-ben. Ungvár. MÉSZÁROS Lázár 1871 Eszmék és jellemrajzok az 1848/49-i forradalom ese­ményei- és szereplőiről (közrebocsátja: SZOKOLY Vik­tor) Pest. MILLENNIUMI EMLÉKKÖNYV 2000 Millenniumi emlékkönyv. Válogatás Jász-Nagykun­Szolnok megye írásos emlékeiből (szerk.: ZÁDORNÉ ZSOLDOS Mária) Szolnok. MOLNÁR Gabriella 2006 Általában emberi. Debrecen. PAPP Izabella 1997 The Son of a Greek Merchant in Diószeg in the Hun­garian War of Indepencence Pál Kiss, Honvéd-Gener­ál 1809-1867. In: Balkan Studies 38,1, Thessaloniki. 1998 Kiss Pál honvédtábornok (1809-1867). In: Zounuk 13. (szerk.: ZÁDORNÉ ZSOLDOS Mária) Szolnok. 59-116. SIEBMACHER, J. 1893 J. SIEBMACHER's Wappenbuch. Nürnberg. URBÁN Aladár 1973 A nemzetőrség és a honvédség szervezése 1848 nya­rán. Budapest. VADÁSZ István 1989 Adalékok egy ismert, de nem közismert 1848/49-es honvédtábornok életrajzához. Kézirat. Kiss Pál Múze­um Adattára 1223-89., Tiszafüred. 1998 Kiss Pál, az 1848/49-es forradalom és szabadságharc tábornoka. In: Honismeret 1998/3. 69-75. 2000 Az 1848/49-as forradalom és szabadságharc kevés­sé ismert tábornoka: Kiss Pál. In: Tiszafüredi tanul­mányok 4. Fejezetek az 1848-49-es szabadságharc tiszafüredi eseményeiből. Szolnok. 105-114. 2003 Az 1848-49-es szabadságharc tábornoka: Kiss Pál. Tiszafüredi Füzetek 3. Tiszafüred. VETTER Antal é.n. Az 1848-49-iki szerb támadás 1. rész. In: Hazánk IV. 534-550. VUKOVICS Sebő 1982 Vukovics Sebő visszaemlékezései 1849-re. Budapest. István Vadász Life of army general Pál Kiss Although the museum and a street bear the name of army general Pál Kiss in Tiszafüred, his life and merits are less known. His life before 1848 and the circumstances of his appointment to an army general and the capitulation in Petrovaradin are still need to be clarified. His trial by court­martial and his subsequent release and the last stages of his life related to Tiszafüred are also need to be ascertained. He started his military career at the age of 19, and in 1848 took the rank of first lieutenant. He took part in organizing the National Guard formed in the middle of 1848. From that time his military career was shaping brightly. He became major in September 1848, lieutenant-colonel at the end of the year and colonel in April 1849. He left the 37 t h infantry regiment and joined the newly organized army, and throughout this period he commanded different units under János Damjanich. He fought in Damjanich's 3 r d Corp during the successful campaign in the spring of 1849 until the relieve of Komárom. He became division commander in the 1st Corp led by József Nagysándor in May 1849, and participated in the occupation of the fortress of Buda on 21 May. He was decorated two times during the spring campaign. There was a possibility that he would appointed to the commander of the very important southern fortress Petrovaradin in April 1849. A month later he was considered to be the commander of the southern corp, but finally he had to take up the commandantship of Petrovaradin in the beginning of June 1849. The proposal of his promotion to be general was completed in May, but it only became final in June 1849 for different personal and organizational reasons. Pál Kiss successfully defended the fortress of Petrovaradin, which was handed over after the surrender of Világos in the beginning of September 1849. The military court sentenced him to death first, then 10 years' imprisonment, but released earlier. He made his home in Tiszafüred in 1854. He was buried here on 30 May 1867. » 103 «

