Madaras László – Tálas László – Szabó László szerk.: Tisicum - A Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Múzeumok Évkönyve 9. (1996)

Róbert Kertész: A New Site of the Northern Hungarian Plain Mesolithic Industry in the Jászság Area (Jászberény IV) (Az észak-alföldi mezolit ipar újabb lelőhelye a Jászságban — Jászberény IV)

Barca I the angular burin, scalene triangle, partially retouched, notched and backed pieces are pre­sent. According to F. Prosek the site belongs to the Atlantic period. 41 On the basis of data available so far, however, Barca I could be put into the Mid­dle Mesolithic, to the Boreal period. The other two Western Slovakian Mesolithic sites — Mostová and Tomásikovo — yielded surface stray finds. In the Mostová material 42 similarly to Jászberény IV, blade endscraper, scalene triangle, obliquely re­touched and partially retouched pieces, blanks and unretouched microblades are present. Out of the various geometric microliths found at Tomásikovo 43 the scalene triangle as well as blanks and unre­touched blades are present at Jászberény IV, too. Both in Austria and in Moravia there are two important Mesolithic sites which chronologically could be connected with Jászberény IV. The ma­terial excavated at Kamegg 44 and at Smolin 45 as well as the surface finds collected at Limberg — Mühlberg 46 and Pfibice 47 belong unquestionably to the same chronological phase which Jászberény IV belongs to. The radiocarbon date of Smolin is 8.315+55 B.P. (GrN-7622 R). 48 The representative industries of Kamegg, Limberg — Mühlberg, Smolin and Pfibice contain almost all the typical pieces which are present at Jászberény IV. Conclusion The settlement Jászberény IV, similarly to other Mesolithic sites in the Jászság area, is situated in 41 ProSek 1959, 148 42 Bárta 1960 43 Bárta 1955 44 Berg-Gulder 1956 45 Valoch 1963; 1978; 1980, 52—54; 1989 46 Gulder 1953, 6-19. 22 47 Valoch 1975 48 Valoch 1978, 88—89; 1980, 54; 1989, 462 49 Kertész 1994a, 16. 18 50 Kertész 1994, 28. 42; 1994a, 18. 22 the central part of the subsidence basin created at the end of the Pleistocene and at the beginning of the Atlantic period. It is situated directly along the flatter bank of the Ancient Zagyva, where the set­tlement features are concentrated over a spot of 15 m's diameter. The chipped stone industry of Jászberény IV contains pieces collected on the surface. According to the typological analysis made so far and on the ground of the raw material base and the lithic raw material use structure the site belongs to the Middle Mesolithic, to the Jászberény phase of the NHPM Industry. The assemblage is rather poor in typical tools and the number of geo­metric microliths is very small, which is due to the insufficiencies of surface collection. At the epony­mous site of the Jászberény phase, that is at Jászberény I, besides various types of triangles also segments are present. 49 The segment and tri­angle appear also in the Jásztelek phase of the NHPM Industry, a phase which follows the Jászberény phase of this industry, though in the Jásztelek phase also the trapeze appears, as a new element. 50 It is highly probable that the chipped stone as­semblage of Jászberény IV which contains surface stray finds would be augmented during later re­searches. The appearance of several new types is expected and we cannot exclude completely that in the future the industry of Jászberény IV could be completed by younger types, too, for example by trapezes. The final conclusion on the chrono­logical position of Jászberény IV would be drawn only after the evaluation of data to be yielded by a future excavation. 41

