Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 18. (1994)

Hír J.: Cricetulus migratorius (PALLAS 1773) (Rodentia, Mammalia) population from the Toros Mountains (Turkey) (With a special reference to the relation of Cricetulus and Allocricetus genera)

Alocricetus éhiki SCHAUB, 1930 1. Tarko Rocksheter. The presence of this species was verified by HIR, J. (1989b). 2. Osztramos 3. (Hungary), Uppermost Pliocene. The locality was excavated and elabo­rated by JÁNOSSY, D. (1970, 1979, 1986); JÁNOSSY, D-MEULEN VAN DER, A. 1975. The Allocricetus material was studied by HÍR, J. (1993). 3. Villány 3. (Hungary), Upper Pliocene. This classical locality has been studied for more than hundred years (KORMOS, T. 1937; KRETZOI, M. 1956; JÁNOSSY, D. 1979, 1986). The cricetid finds, elaborated by HÍR, J. (1993), had been collected by Jánossy D. in 1979 Deposition: the faunas from Meydan and from Pongor Hole are stored in the collection of the Municipial Museum of Pásztó. The materials of Tarkő, Osztramos, and Villány are placed in the Paleontological Department of the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest. Methods The measurements were taken by the ocularmicrometer of a stereomicrioscope to an accuracy of 0,01 mm. The length of the upper toothrowes (L Ml-3), the length of the lower toothrowes (L ml-3), and the length (L), anterior width (Wa), posterior width of the distinct teeth were measured, the measurements were worked aut by the basic statistic parameters. N: sample size, MIN-МАХ: observation range, X: arithmetic mean, SD: stan­dard deviation. The morphological investigation based on the nomeclature of FAHLBUSH, V. (1964) and MEIN, P:-FREUDENTHAL, M. (1971). The separation of the different moiphotypes is after the presence (+), or absence (-) of certain elements of the tooth crown. The methods were stated in details by PRADEL, A. (1981, 1988) and HÍR, J. (1989b, 1992b, 1993). The complette repetition of the methodological description is not given here. Description The complette morphological diescription of the Cricetulus and Allocricetus molars was written by FAHLBUSCH, V. (1969) and PRADEL, A. (1981). The detailed reinterpreta­tion has not primary importance from the standpoint of us. We can concentrate our at­tention to the investigated elements of the toothcrown. Ml, ml: PAC (pre-anterocon(-id) cingulum). It is a small enamel conelet on the mesial surface of the molar. PAST: (parastyle). It is a cingular conulet on the posterolabial side of the anterocone on the Ml (Fig. 9., 12.). M2: MTL Posterior metalophule. It is a crest between the metalophule and posteroloph trimming the metacone on the lingual side. ML (mesolophe) (Fig. 10.) M3: in the studied materials the rare presence of accessoric enamel crests is visible in different location of the toothcrown (Fig. 11.). m2-m3: ALC (antero-lingual cingulum). It is the continuation of the persistent antero­labial cingulum before the metaconid. ML (mesolophid) (Fig. 7., 8.). The occurence of these elements is statistical. The results of the metrical investigations are visible on the figures no. 1.-8., and on the tables no. 1.-9. The results of the statistical morphological investigations are presented on the figures no. 9.-14. 18

