Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 16. (1991)

Fűköh, L.: Examinations on faunal-history of the Hungarian holocene Mollusc fauna (Characterization of the succession phase)

4.4. Correlation of malaco-zones with radiometric data Since I have discussed the correlation possibilities of the Hungarian and foreign Holocene examinations particularly in the previous chapters, here I introduce to the hitherto known data of radiometric dating. For the sake of ge­neralization of biostratigraphi cal ranging I also use up the data of foreign territories, to confirm in such way the insertation in the results of investi­gation of the Hungarian Mollusc fauna in due course of the European researches. 1. According to the examinations the basin sediments of Sárrét (Fe jér-county) the age of the lime mud deposits is 82П0-150 B.P. 2. The lime mud of Danube - Tisza Interfluve is aged 8500-300 B.P. (Verbal communication of Pál SÜMEGI). 3. The age of lime mud explored on the territory of Nyírség is 0000 200 BP. 4. The age of lower fireplace-strata of Kôiyuk II.-cave in Bükk-Mountains is 5895-60 B.P. 5. The sediments of Ossuary-hall in Baradla-cave is aged 3095-60 B.P. Accor­ding to the derivatographical and palaeobiogeochemical analysises the fauna of the Biikk-culture strata originating also from Baradla-cave is aged 6516-250 B.P. 6. On the basis of comparable faunal-examinations is known that the age of the so called "ruderatus-fauna" is 7750-130 B.P. (ALEXANDROWICZ , S.W. 1984). This the same with steppe fauna preceding the climate-optimum marker closed fo­rest fauna, in Hungary. 7. According to German malacostratigraphical examinations (RAHLE, W. 1903) the age of faunal phase which can be characterized with the dominance of open space preferring species is 8230-40 B.P. 8. According to Alexandrowicz s investigations the age of the Late-Holocene sediments around Gracow is 2475-60 B.P. (This is the beginning of Sub-Atlantic phase . ) Chronological ranging of the Holocene medium high mountain range, terrestri­al malaco-zones I. Vallonia costata Zone 0200 - 6500 B.P. II. Clausiliidae Zone 6500 - 4500 B.P. III. Granaria frumentum Zone 4500 - 2500 B.P. IV. Helicigona faustina Zone 2500 - 0 B.P. Chronological ranging of the Holocene nDlaco-zones of the subsided territori-­es. I. Lithoglyphus naticoldes - Valvata piscinalis Zone 8200 - 6500 B.P. II. Gyraulus albus -Bithynia tentaculata Zone 6500 - 4500 B.P. III. Bithynia leachi Gyarulus crista Zone 4500 - 2500 B.P. REFERENCES ALEXANDROWICZ, S.W. (1984): Srodkowoholocenska Malakofauna z Harcygrundu Kolo Czorsztyna (Pieniski Pas Skalnowy).- Stud. Geol . Pol. 83:95-116. ALECANDROWICZ, S.W. - NADACHOWSKI, a. - RYDLEWSKI, I. - VALDE-N0VAK, P. ­WOLOSZYN, W.8. (1985): Subfossil Fauna from a Cave in the Sobczanski Gully (Pie­niny Mts., Poland). - Fol. Quaternaria 56: 57-78. DEHM, R. (1976): Die Landschnecke Discus ruderatus in Postglacial Süddeutschlands r Mitt. Bayer. Staatssaml. Pal. hist.Geol. 7: 135-155. FUKÖH, L. (1990): A magyarországi holocén Mnllusca-fauna fejlődéstörténete az elmúlt tízezer év során. - Kand. ért. Mátra Múzeum, 1-118. HORACE«, I. - LOZEK, V. (1908): Paleozoology and the Mid-European Quaternary Past: Scope of the Approach and Selected Results. - Rozpr. C5AV,v MPV 98: (4): 1-102. KALICZ, N. (1974): Agyagistenek. Herédéi tas.-Corvina k.Bp. KORDOS, L. (1981): Magyarországi holocén képződmények gerinces faunafejlődése, biosztratigráfiája és paleoökológiája.- Kand.ért. MAFI, p: 44-45. KR0L0PP, E. (1973): Quaternary Malacology in Hungary. Negyedkori malakológia Magyarországon.- Földt.Közl. 2: 161-171. KR0L0PP, E. (1983): A magyarországi pleisztocén képződmények malakológiai tago­lása.- Kand.ért. MÁFI, 1-160. L02EK, V. (1965): Entwicklung der Molluskenfauna der Slowakei in der Nacherszeit, -Inf. Hochsch.Nitra 1(1-4): 9-24. 27

