Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 16. (1991)
Fűköh, L.: Examinations on faunal-history of the Hungarian holocene Mollusc fauna (Characterization of the succession phase)
Malacostratygraphy can be considered equivalent to vertebrate and pollen biozones in such way. Biostratiflraphical ranging is determined by the dominance ratio and the general aspect of the faina in all cases, and the marker species can be used for corrections within the certain faunal phases, only. Since the faunal phases belong concretely to the fauna of each locality's sequence, so in the cause of applicability on wider domains their generalization were necessary in order to the biostratigraphi cal categories not to be based on merely the successions disregarded from the contrete taxon composition of the locality. This work can be done with help of the correlation of the results of the Hungarian Holocene examinations and with comparing with the results of the foreign malacological researches . 4.1- Biostratigraphical problems of the Hungarian Holocene Mollusc fauna The outlined fauna history and succession progress make us possible to attempt biostratigraphical ranging of the explored Holocene formations. Beside the results of the Czechoslovakian , Polish and German Holocene faunal examinations biostratigraphical ranging is made possible by the formerly known succession phases (4th chapter), by the vertebrate paleontological data suitable for correlation, by the results of paleobotanical researches and by the issues of radiometric dating. Hereinafter I expound the ranging of terrestrial fauna of the medium high mountain ranges. I have to add here, that I tried to content to the description of marker species where it was possible. But because of the above mentioned feature of the faunal evolution I had to take the faunas for my basis first of all. So, the described biozones can be explained as Oppel-zones, too. Vallonia cnstata zone It is characterized by the final disappearance of the Pleistocene elements (lower boundary). And species preferring open space and steppe become predominant with dominance of 30 - 50 4. This zone is also the Pleistocene - Holocene boundary because of the disappearance of Pleistocene cold climate preferring species, like Pupilla sterri , Vallonia costata , Columella cnlumella . Beside the dominancy of Vallonia costata the sediment is characterized by the presence of Granaria frumentum , Cochlicopa lubrica , Chundrula tridens . The upper boundary of its zone is the minimum of Vallonia costata , (0,5 h) . Its stratotype is : Muflon-cave, I. profile 6-9 samples, II. profile 2-3 samples. The transition between the Pleistocene and Holocene can be registered excellently here. Other localities are : Kőlyuk II.-cave, 12 - 17 samples, Rejtek I.-rock shelter III. block, Csúnya-valley I.-rock shelter 2. sample, Horváti-hole 3. - 4. samples . II. niausiliidae zone Development of closed forest fauna. Its characteristic feature is the dominancy of the members of Clausiliidae , Zoni tidae and Limacidae families (Clausilia cruciata , Lacinaria plicata , Ruthenica filograna , Cochlodina , Cochlodina orthostoma etc.). The species of Clausiliidae family can be found in highest frequency here. The lower boundary of this zone are the minimal occurrence of Vallonia costata (0,5 '-.), and the subordination of species preferring open spaces and steppe (10 - 15 \ frequency). The upper boundary is the appearance of species preferring steppe, again. Its stratotype is : Kőlyuk II.-cave B. - 10. layers. The lower boundary of the zone is taken shape sharply in the row of samples. Sediments not earlier than the 8th semple may show anthropogeneous interference. Other localities are : Kőlyuk IT.-cave 1.-7. layers, Rejtek I.-rock shelter IT. block, Muflon-cave I. profile 2.-5. samples, the sediments of Háromágú-cave, Nagyoldali-shaft 4.-5. samples, Baradla-cave : sediments of Ossuary-hall. 21