Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 16. (1991)

Fűköh, L.: Examinations on faunal-history of the Hungarian holocene Mollusc fauna (Characterization of the succession phase)

Succession of the Hungarian Holocene fresh-water Mollusc fauna Fen and peat formation Euryoek species, lypical swamp fauna. Appearanche of water-side and ter­restrial species on the periodically dessicated territories. This phase can he characterized by the presence of Bithynia leachi and Gyraulus г ipari us The latter has important chronologi­cal value. According to the local circumstan­ces, formation of peat and mould in different thickness (Sárrét, Fertô-lake, Oanube - Tisza Interfluve, Nyirség). Wet, periodically watery fields. Lacustrian period Final disappearance of reophylous species. Valvata piscinalis can be found at the beginning of the phase. The sediment is characterized by the presence of xerotherm species, like Bithynia tentaculata Gyraulus albus The relative frequency of Bithynia tentaculata decre­ases significantly at the end of the phase . Characteristic feature, zoogeographi­cally, is the increase of Hnlarctic species . Typical sediment is the lime mud (Sárrét, Balatonrderics, Oanube ­Tisza Interfluve, Nyirség). Higher plants apper only in the second half of the phase. Fluvial phase Characteristic species are Lithoglyphus naticniries Valvata piscinalis Valvata pulchella Zoogeographically it can be charac­terized by the frequency of Palearc­tic elements. Gravel, fine grained sand or ra­rely clay (Sárrét, Vörös-swamp in the Danube­valley) IB

