Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 12. (1987)
Nógrádi, U. S.–Uherkovich, Á.: Kiegészítések Szlovákia tegzes faunájának (Trichoptera) ismeretéhez
14. MaluZiná (700 m). Sweeping along the Bocianka Stream, three species. 15. Smermovo. Varied biotopes at 900-1000 m: peat bogs, spring of Hron River, small creeks, upper branches of Hnilec River. Rich material was swept here containing some rather interesting species. 16. Vikartvce (850 m). Upper braches of the river Hornád. Few species by sweeping. 17. VySná Boca (850 m) . Upper braches of Bocianka Stream running across pasture. Only three species were swept. 18. Vyená Sunava (900 m) . Small stream of polluted water. Only one species was swept . 19. Zlatno (750 m). Sweeping along the river Hron. Few species. SL0VAKIAN PARADISE 20. Hrabuáice (800-900 m). Small streams on limestone. (The bluk of Slovakian Paradise is of limestone.) Sweeping, several species. 21. Mlynky (700 m). Two valleys with streams. Few species were swept. 22. Rakovec (850 m). Springs in forest. One caddisfly only. 23. Stratená (800-950 m). Very varied biopotes: canyons, karst-spring , small streams, river Hnilec. Here we have collected several times, the material is rich both in species and in specimens. 24. Vernár (800-950 m). Small streams and bog (Kopanec), larger streams ("Vernársky potok") near the village. Some species werre swept here. THE HIGH TATRAS 25. Batizovce (760 m) . Stream "Valicky potok". Collecting from the under surface of a bridge and sweeping along the stream. 26. Ke2marské 2ïaby (860-920 m). Sweeping along the streams "Biela Voda" and "Cierna Voda". Some species. 27. LuCivna (780 m). Sweeping along the polluted strem "Maly Poprád". 28. Ni2né Hagy (950 m). Sweeping along a forest stream. Few species. 29. Podbanské (900 m). Stream "Kamenisty potok" on granite. Sweeping several times, rich material. 30. Pospády (920 m). Stream Javorinka on sandstone. Only two species were swept . 31. Pribylina (B00-85C m). Small stream on pasture near the settlement and various biotopes 4 km east from the settlement at the localyti named Hrdovo. Some species and several specimens were swept on a peat bog, along Belá Stream and its tributary. 32. Strbské Pleso (1100 m) . Sweeping along upper branches of the stream "Biely Váh" 33. Tatranská Kotlina (800 m). River Biela, 3 species were swept. 34. Tatranská Polianka (1000 m). Sweeping several times along the stream " Velicky potok" and its tributary. Some intersting species were swept. 35. VavriSovo. Belá River and its tributary atthe camping place. Collection by daytime, some species. 36. Va2ek (800 m) . Sweeping along the weakly polluted water of the stream " Biely Váh" 37. VySné Hagy (1070 m). Larger stream named "Kahule potok" running on granite. Some species were swept. During the seven collecting trips we collected 2629 males 1673 females together. The trips were organized as follows: 1. November 1, 1982 2 species 2 dV 2. September 23-26. 1984 23 species 192 ó*ó* 68 og 3. September 18-23, 1985- 33 species 529 dtf 1008 со. 4. July 11-17, 1986 51 species 1017 dtf 257 gg 5. September 18, 1986 8 species 72 dtf 38 op 6. May 28-30, 1987 6 species 77 dtf 8 50 7. October 8-L1, 1987 29 species 740 66 294 gg altogether 78 species 2629 66 1673 gç Ihe total number of collected specimens amount to 4302, which is rather large number. NOVAK and GBR (1966) recorded 14,858 determined adults from Slovakia during the years 1955-1964. Apparently the collections were discontinned, since NOVAK (1973) published the same figure after years. 55