Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 10. (1985)

Füköh, L.: A new Daudebardia species of Holocene from the Bükk Mountains (North Hungary)

Fol. Ilist.-nal. Mus. Miitr. Il», nia.y A new Daudebardia species of Holocene from the Bükk Mountains (North Hungary) FÜKÖI1 Levenli! Gyöngyös, Mátra Múzeum ABSTRACT: In the course of Holocene fauna researches in the Bükk Mountains a new Daudcbardia species was found in the Holocene sediment of rock cavity Nr. III. in the Csúnya valley. It was called D.'helenae sp.n. by the author. In 1980 we began to research the malacologi cal substances of the cave deposits of Quaternary as a part of the malacoloqical research in the Bükk National. Park. We have excavated four caves. The research of the found faunas partly has been finished /FÜKÖH, L. - KROLOPP, E. 1982/83; 1984/ partly it is still being made. In the course of the work on the fauna of rock cavity Nr. III. a new Daudebardia form was found together with Dau d cbardia ruf a and Daudebar dia brevipes in the first pattern. This new form is characteristically different to the other two species therefore it should be described as a new species. DAUDEBARDIA HELENAE su.n. Description: The shell /figs. 1-3./ is big, robust, widening, oval, with a length of 4,66 mm, a width of 3,65 mm and a height of 1,84 mm. The embryonic shell has about 2 whorls but a half whorl of that takes part in forming the circle line? of the shell, its loenght 1.7 mm, width 1,4 mm, its apex is slightly eroded. The sudden widened last whorl form the shell, its surface is wavy owing to the soft lines and the firm, concentric wrinkles. The round oval arch of the mouth and the first part of the inner axis with a powerful callus depositing bends back at the umbilicus, and it covers the umbilicus of a gap size. Figs. 1-3.: Daudebardia helenae n. sp. 15

