Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 6. (1980)

Kiss, O.: A Mátra hegység Ilona-völgyének Trichopterai

Locality I x Waterfall (Fig. 2.) : The water of the stream falls over a 5 m high wall rock covered with a thick, 4 m wide coating of Rhynchoste­gium riparioides (HEDW.) CARD, and Conocephalum conicum (HEDW.)B. S. G. moss species. The water falling down into a small round basin and spreading over there gives rise to a bryomadicola zone (F. WAILLANT, 1956) existence. From the basin the water continues its way downhill as a rill. The area is shaded. Water temperature was 13,0 °C on 18th July, 1977 and 12,5 °C on 2nd Oct., 1977. In the round basin there are large and small stones, gravel, detritus and sand accumulation. On the surface of the large stones larvae of Hydropsyche angustipennis CURTIS, H. instabilis CURTIS and Agapetus comatus PICTET occur in large numbers. Other species occurring are the net spinning Plectroc­nemia conspersa CURTIS and the ones constructing their cases from mineral substances, e. g. Ecclisopteryx madida MAC LACHLAN, Potamophylax latipen­nis CURTIS, Beraemyia hrabei MAYER, Odontocerum albicorne SCOPOLI and Sericostoma personatum PENCE. In the quiet coves of the basin Halesus digitatus SCHRANK and Limnephilus griseus LINNE can be found. A free­living species, Rhyacophila tristis, had not been collected there before. Locality I 2 50m away from the waterfall (Fig. 3.) : Water flows rapidly over the large and rough stones of the meandering rill bed, and forms micro-waterfalls. The area is shaded by Fagus silvatica only a little sunshine filters through the foliage. The vegetation on the banks is poor, the steep rocky bank on the right is 1 m high. The depth of water is 5 cm, water temperature was 12.6 °C on 18th July, 1977 and 7.8 °C on 2nd October, 1977. The trichopterous species are: Rhyacophila polonica MAC LACHLAN, R. obliterata MAC LACHLAN, Agapetus comatus PICTET, Hydropsyche angus­tipennis CURTIS, H. instabilis CURTIS, Silo pallipes FABR., Odontocerum albicorne SCOPOLI, Sericostoma personatum, PENCE, Beraemyia hrabei MAYER, Potamophylax latipennis CURTIS, Plectrocnemia conspersa CURTIS, Halesus digitatus SCHRANK, Stenophylax permistus MAC LACHLAN and Ecclysopteryx madida MAC LACHLAN. Locality I 3 150 m away from the waterfall (Fig. 4.): The rill fed by some lateral rills changes into a stream and passes over rapids. In the stream bed there are large stones; the rocky stream wall is of blocks of stone with crumblings and a thrown down tree spans the stream. The area is shaded by Fagus silvatica, the depth of the water is between 5—10 cm, water temperature was 12.9 °C on 18th July, 1977, and 7.9 °C on 2nd Oct., 1977. The species occurring there are: Rhyacophila obliterata MAC LACHLAN Wormaldia occipitalis PICTET, Polycentropus flavomaculatus PICTET, Hydro­psyche angustipennis CURTIS, H. instabilis CURTIS, Odontocerum albicorne SCOPOLI, Halesus digitatus SCHRANK, Beraemyia hrabei MAYER, Pota­mophylax latipennis CURTIS, Sericostoma personatum PENCE, Silo pallipes FABR. and Orunoecia irrorata CURTIS; this latter one had not been discovered before. 118

