Szilasi Ágota, H. (szerk.): Annales Musei Agriensis. Agria LII. (Eger, 2019)

Gutay Mónika - Gasparik Mihály: A Pes-Kő-barlang leletmentő feltárása

Vértes László 1956 Ausgrabungen in der Petényi und Peskő Höhle (Bükk Gebirge). Folia Archaelogica VIII. Budapest, 3-23. 1965 Az őskőkor és az átmeneti kőkor emlékei Magyarországon. A Magyar Régészet Kézikönyve I. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1 -176., 385,75. fotótábla. Vörös István 2000 Hunted mammals from the Gravettian campsite Bodrogkeresztúr-Henye (NE Hungary). In: T. Dobosi Viola: Bodrogkeresztúr-Henye (NE-Hungary) Upper palaeolithic site. Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum, Budapest, 113-186. 2000 Appendix - Macro-mammal remains on Hungarian Upper Pleistocene sites. In: T. Dobosi Viola: Bodrogkeresztúr-Henye (NE-Hungary) Upper palaeolithic site. Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum, Budapest, 186-212. Mónika Gutay - Mihály Gasparik RESCUE EXCAVATION OF THE PES-KÖ--BARLANG We received a phone call from speleologist Gergely Ferenczy about the archeological disturbance of the Pes-Kő cave. We conducted a joint site inspection on 1 June 2016. Due to the disturbed nature of the site, we suggested a rescue excavation. This was carried out between 4 and 24 November 2016. This is the highest altitude cave in Hungary inhabited by humans; in fact, it is probably the second highest archaeological site in Europe. We marked out Trench no. 1 between Squares no. 6 and 8 on the base map, made by Ottokár Kadic in 1939. We extended the 10-cm excavation of the sediment layer to 1 metre in a 1X1 m area of Trench no. 1. The sediment layers were disturbed. We set the principal axis, marked by Ottokár Kadic, from Square no. 18. We opened Trench no. 2 to the south oi Square no. 24 with a width of 1.4 m and to the east with a width of 1 m, excavated 2-2.5 m deep. We separated 6 sediment layers from top to bottom in the northern section profile of Trench no. 2. Our identification of these sediment layers is similar to that of János Hír ( 1990), however there are differences in the hues and the widths of the layers. We suggest conducting further stratigraphic excavations in an area of 40 m2 at the back of the cave and also in one of its side sections. 25

