H. Szilasi Ágota - Várkonyi Péter - Bujdosné Pap Györgyi - Császi Irén (szerk.): Agria 50. (Az egri Dobó István Vármúzeum Évkönyve - Annales Musei Agriensis, 2017)

Bodnár Mónika: Filkeháza népessége az anyakönyvi kutatások tükrében (1783-1825)

FELHASZNÁLT IRODALOM Petercsák Tivadar 1985 Népszokások Filkeházán. (Studia Lolkloristica et Ethnographica 16.) Debrecen. Petercsák Tivadar 2001 Filkeháza évszázada és hagyományai Lilkeháza Község Önkormányzata, Filkeháza. LEVÉLTÁRI HIVATKOZÁS Filkeháza görögkatolikus vegyes anyakönyve (csak levéltárban hozzáférhető). Megtalálható: http://library.hungaricana.hu/hu/view/MolDigiLib_ MOLsegedl [utolsó letöltés: 2016. december-2017. február] INTERNETES HIVATKOZÁS: Filkeháza. https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filkeháza [utolsó letöltés: 2016. október 21.] Mónika Bodnár THE POPULATION OF FILKEHÁZA IN LIGHT OF THE RESEARCH OF REGISTERS(1783-1825) I I wanted to include a somewhat personal topic in the edition honouring Tivadar Peter­csák s birthday, sol decided to study the very first register ofbirths from Filkeháza, his native village. The register s entries reflect the changes in the villages population, their customs in marrying and choosing the names of their children, provide data on the godparents, etc. The data from Filkeháza show that in the researched period there were 5-6 marriages a year on average. They were held mostly in the carnival season between Epiphany and Shrove Tuesday, primarily in the month of February. Any day of the week was deemed su­itable for a wedding, but the most popular day was Sunday, since over half of the marriage ceremonies were held on a Sunday. When we look at the names chosen for babies, the people of Filkeháza preferred a very small selection of first names. In the period under review, the 248 boys born were given 13 different names and the 223 girls received 9 different names. The register reveals that the largest family and the most common family name in Filkehá­za was Szujeta. Other typical family names include: Koritár, Kajla, Farkas, Fazekas, Zsidik, Lesko, Mathi, Sándor, Orosz, Sandrik, Gmitro/Mitro, Feczko and Michalko. The Petercsák family was present in the region as early as the 1780s, however instead of Filkeháza, they mostly lived in Radvány and Pálháza. The register entries also reveal the names of the parish priests and cantors serving in Fil­keháza. From 1826 we find more data and more precise entries in the registers, since from that year marriage registrar entries also included the place of origin of the bride and groom, as well as the names and legal status of their parents. 76

