Petercsák Tivadar – Veres Gábor szerk.: Agria 44. (Az Egri Múzeum Évkönyve - Annales Musei Agriensis, 2008)

G. Móró Csilla: Blaskovich Gyula hevesi alispán társadalmi szerepvállalása különös tekintettel az 1848-49-es forradalom és szabadságharc éveire

Csilla G. Móró The Social Role of Gyula Blaskovich, Sheriff of Heves, with particular reference to the years of the 1848-49 Revolution and War for Freedom The development of the Tápiószele Museum collection in Pest County occurred in the spirit of patriotism that accompanied the Age of Reform in 19 t h century Hun­gary, and is associated with the name of Gyula Blaskovich. Already, following the example of Count Széchenyi, archbishop of Eger János László Pyrker had donat­ed 192 paintings to the Hungarian National Gallery in 1836. From what remained of the valuable collection Gyula Blaskovich (1806-1850) purchased paintings, engravings and some horse harnesses at an auction held in Eger in the spring of 1848. By doing this the sheriff of Heves County had not only undertaken what was akin to a cultural rescue operation, but established the basis for an aristocratic art collection. The organization of what was a collection unlike any other found in Hungary into a museum was to be the task of his grandsons György (1878-1960) and János (1883-1967) Blaskovich. The Tápiószele Museum not only includes the collection of artefacts, but the family archive as well. In this you can find the kind of written resources relating to the 1848-49 War for Freedom that are directly associated with the person of the sheriff of Heves and Outer Szolnok Counties, Gyula Blaskovich. Of the Reform Age material there is little that remains in the family archive. According to the cat­alogue there are nevertheless 237 writings dating from 15 l h May 1841 onwards which are linked with his activities as chief constable, as Blaskovich (had very rightly) given them to the county archivist Károly Vécsey on 8 t h January 1845. It is the task of our present study to familiarise readers with the activities of the sheriff in 1848-49, as well as present this previously unpublished body of writ­ings. Written on the occasion of the 160 t h anniversary of the Revolution and the War for Freedom this study hopes to offer an insight into the 1848-1849 related material in the family's collection. 235

