Agria 43. (Az Egri Múzeum Évkönyve - Annales Musei Agriensis, 2007)

Dénes Zoltán: A magyarországi katolikus reform megindítója Oláh Miklós (1493–1568)

Zoltán Dénes The Promoter of Catholic Reform in Hungary: Miklós Oláh, 1493-1568 The intention of this short study marking Tivadar Petercsák's sixtieth birthday is to pay tribute to those who have preserved Hungarian culture from Eger, to Debrecen, and beyond to Nagyvárad (Oradea, Romania). Of Hungary's 16th century prelates Miklós Oláh was the first to attempt to revitalize the Catholic Church through a return to discipline and study. It was the rejection of violence and the encouragement of culture that led to the regeneration of the church. Of cultural historical interest is Miklós Oláh's Hungária, in which he describes Hungary prior to the Battle of Mohács. The chapter in his diary covering the years 1555-1559 also survives. 271

