Bujdosné Pap Györgyi et al.: Mozgó frontvonalak. Háború és diplomácia a várháborúk időszakában 1552-1568 - Studia Agriensia 35. (Eger, 2017)

Borbély Zoltán: A végvárrendszer kiépítésének társadalmi hatásai Felső-Magyarországon

Zoltán Borbély The Social Impacts of Establishing the Border Fortress System in Upper Hungary During the fighting between Szapolyai and Ferdinand, then in the following decades up until the period of the minor castle sieges (1561-1565) the northeastern part of the country was governed by the pre-Mohács aristocracy whose power was viewed as the “manifestation of state functions”. By the end of the century, however, the nobility of Upper Hungary has changed completely. An established defence system against the Ottoman army has been set up in Upper Hungary by then, giving rise to an aristocracy with a new mentality and economic-political interests, as well as the newly set-up district captaincy-generals in Upper Hungary or Kassa, which were (partly) financed by the chamber system. Albeit with a few decades' delay, Upper Hungary was also affected by the changes that had been increasingly apparent in the western part of the country from the middle of the century. Research by Gyula Szekfu, Katalin Péter and Géza Pálífy shed light on the ways of joining this newly forming aristocracy, however their findings can be elaborated further by the deeper analyses of the individual families or by focusing on certain regional differences. In my study I set out to investigate the paths taken to rise to the ranks of higher nobility in the second half of the 16th century and compare these to the other parts of the country to see what similarities can be found. 194

