Berecz Mátyás - Bujdosné Pap Györgyi - Petercsák Tivadar (szerk.): Végvár és mentalitás a kora újkori Európában - Studia Agriensia 31. (Eger, 2015)

HORN ILDIKÓ: A tanítvány búcsúja Várkonyi Ágnes ravatalánál

Ildikó Horn A PUPIL BIDS FAREWELL TO ÁGNES VÁRKONYI It was in the name of all her pupils, to whom their inspirational teacher was always friendly and respectful, that Ildikó Horn said farewell to Agnes R. Várkonyi at her funeral held on 9th January 2015. She also believed that dialogue between the generations was extremely important, and was always curious to hear what other people had to say. She was open to new people and new approaches, and discoveries made in other academic fields as well as the latest technical advances. She not only founded a school, but brought into existence a rich and varied scientific community. For her the practice of history was not a mission or a duty, but a way of life. “Dear Teacher, Thank you for being with us and allowing us to study under you. Thank you for always sharing what meant so much to you: your knowledge, and thank you also for giving what was always in such short supply: your time. Thank you, as you promised you would, for always showing faith in us. Believe us, when we say that we too will never lose faith. Teacher, God be with you.” 12

