Dr. Fűköh Levente szerk.: Malakológiai Tájékoztató 13. (Eger, 1994.)

FŰKÖH, L.: A magyarországi középhegységi holocén Mollusca-fauna zoogeográfiai vizsgálata

ged to the second place. While in view of abundance the third are the spacies of the Middle­European-Mountain faunal-centrums. The picture drown from the fauna gives good con­formity with the geographical position and geomorphological conditions of Hungary. The average height of the Hungarian medium high mountain ranges doesn t reach the level which could give reason the bigger abundance of the European-Mountain and the Middle-European­Mountain species. The zoogeographical distribution of the eighty-one species are the next: 1. Siberian-Asiatic faunal-centrums 20 species 2. Middle-Asiatic faunal centrums 3 species 3. Caspian-Sarmation faunal-centrums 4 species 4. Ponto-Mediterranean faunal-centrums 24 species 5. Adriatic-Mediterranean faunal-centrums 6 species 6. Atlantic-Mediterranean faunal-centrums 1 species 7. Holomediterranean faunal-centrums 6 species 8. European-Mountain faunal-centrums 7 species 9. Middle-European-Mountain faunal-centrums 10 species 1. táblázat A magyar középhegységi holocén Mollusca-fauna zoogeográfiai besorolása európai szerzők munkái alapján 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Acicula polita ealp me me me me-alp po Aegopinella minor some me-se soe some po Acgopinella pura e e e e wsz Bradybaena fruticum moe-á e e-á osz Bulgarica vetusta soe po Carychium minimum e-sz e-sz c e-sz osz Carychum tridentatum e se c e hm Cepea vindobonensis soe soe soe ksz Chondrina clienta soe-a soe-a oe-a po Chondrula tridens msoe pm msoe hm Clausilia cruciata ne-a ba b-a moe-ae Clausilia dubia me me me me me po Clausilia pumila moe me oe orne moe po Cochlicopa lubrica h h ws h h h Cochlicopa lubricella h Ii Ii h nia Cochlodina laminata e e ws e e am Cochlodina orthostoma moe œ me Columella edentula h h h osz Daudcbardia brevipes mse mse po Daudcbardia helenae Daudebardia m fa mse med-me sme po Discus perspectivus a-ok a-ok a-ok po Discus rotundatus wmc ws m WS wme adm

