Dr. Fűköh Levente szerk.: Malakológiai Tájékoztató 12. (Eger, 1993.)

KROLOPP, E.-SÜMEGI, P.: Vertigo modesta (Say), Vertigo geyeri (Lindholm, 1925) and Vertigo genesii (Gredler, 1856) species in Pleistocene formations of Hungary

also the remarks below! - In its accessory fauna Collumella columella, Pupilla sterri and Vallonia tenuilabris are the most characteristic species. We emphasize that on the basis of studies made on the Hungarian Pleistocene Vertigo material Vertigo geyeri and V: genesii species can be distinguished from each other well (Krolopp, E.-Sümegi, P. 1992 a). On the bases of recent European material Waiden (1966) had conceived the opinion. At the same time we do not think the searation of V. genesii and V. parcedentata made on the basis of shell morpholgoy to be solid. Smaller specimens of V. parcedentata are highly similar to the specimens of V. genesii; their separation is frequently uncertain. We have to take into account also the great variety of forms experienced among the Pleistocene populations of V. parcedentata a phenomenon, referread earlier also by Waiden (1966). We do not think impossible either that the form called V. genesii covers, in fact, those specimens of V. parcedentata which, influenced by unfavourable ecological conditions, became sexually mature before the growth of their shells had been completed. Remarks on the two species: Vertigo geyeri was earlier considered to be sub-species of V. genesii and was designated as V. genesii geyeri. (Lindholm, 1925; Lozek, V. 1964). It is partly due to this that part of the data on V. genesii published in earler literature, in fact, concerns V. geyeri. The­refore E. Krolopp's publications, too (Krolopp, E. 1982-83, 1984, Krolopp, E.-Szó­noky, M. 1984) should be interpreted in this manner. All the three Vertigo species which already do not exist in the territory of Hungary had been osuted north wards from our region because of changes took place in ecological conditions at the end of the Pleistocene and at the beginning of the Holocene or they retreated to high mountains. Their Pleistocene distribution in Hungary, based o nthe UTM grid, is represented on Fig. 2. Összefoglalás A magyarországi pleisztocén Vertigo anyag reviziója és az újabb gyűjtések földolgozása során 3, korábban hnem közölt, illetve nem bizonyított faj előfordulását sikerült igazolni. A Vertigo modesta (Say) eddigi egyetlen, felső-pleisztocén előfordulása Szeged-Öthalom loszfeltárása. A Vertigo geyeri (Lindholm) és Vertigo genesii (Gredler) fajok is főleg fel­ső-pleisztocén üledékekből ismeretesek. Mindkettő higrofil faj, de hőmérsékleti igényük kissé eltérő. A Vertigo genesii-mk a Vertigo parcedentata (A. Braun) fajtól héj alapján történő elkülönítését a magyarországi pelisztocén anyag vizsgálata nyomán kétségesnek tartjuk. A Vertigo genesii néven szereplő pleisztocén alak faji önállóságának kérdése ezért további kutatásokat igényel.

