Gazda László szerk.: Tanulmányok Debrecen és a megye felszabadulásának 40. évfordulója tiszteletére (A Hajdú-Bihar Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei 43. Debrecen, 1985)

Odalszámok - 26

György Módy ARCHITECTURALLY IMPORTANT ARCHEOLOGICAL EXCAVATIONS IN HAJDÚ-BIHAR COUNTY BETWEEN 1944 AND 1984 World War II caused great devastation in the few ancient historic monuments, monument-like buildings, buildings of townscape importance and historic memorial places. After a brief stock-taking, the author discusses several minor explorations from 1950 on that were important from the point of view of the history of architecture and monuments. Among other things, the Bocskai fortified castle in Nagykereki, the Truncated Tower in Berettyó­újfalu-Herpály, the cart-shed in Hortobágy have been preserved. Outstanding among the explorations was the excavation carried out by Péter H. Fekete which unearthed the footing of a late-Roman church in the destroyed village of Vid. In 1952, Zoltán Kádár and Emese Nagy unearthed the foun­dations of a small church built supposedly before the beginning of the XlVth century in the village of Fülöp. In 1961, as a result of the work of Mária G. Sándor and László Császár, the castle-walls of XVIth century churches in Hajdúszoboszló and Hajdúdorog were explored and restored. In 1968—69, the footing of a Gothic church belonging to the Truncated Tower in Szerep was unearthed by Károly Mesterházy, while in 1972, Ibolya M. Nepper carried out excavations in Hajdúböszörmény-Nagy­pród-Köveshalom. In this excavation the substructure of a tiny church of a XI —XHIth century pre­dium was brought to light. In 1972—76, excavations were carried out around the Truncated Tower in Herpály by György Módy and Károly Kozák. The excavations unearthed the remains of a large, three-aisled, western double-towered clan monastery. Archeological unearthing was followed by recontsruction. The archeological excavation carried out round the Great Calvinist Church of Debrecen in 1980—81 was of outstanding importance. It unearthed the wall-remains of the Red Tower (a bell-tower built in 1640/1642). It unearthed the remains of the western tower walls of the Saint Andrew Church built around 1310, as well as the wall and pillar remains of a northern sacristry-chapel built in the XVth century. After 1564, i.e., after the Gothic St. Andrew Church was burnt down, it was this sacristry­chapel that became the vestry room of the Debrecen reformed congregation until 1628. The un­earthing was followed by restoration of the monuments and the building of a garden with ancient ruins. The author's most recent explorations feature last. In 1982, the small, Xlllth century church with a semicircular shrine in the village of Fancsika was unearthed by him and restored as a monu­ment by the Debrecen Park Forestry. This was followed by the exploration of the fortified walls and two corner structures of the Hajdúszovát Reformed church in 1983-84, which are still under restoration. The memorial most recently restored is in Józsa. In the autumn of 1981, the grounds of a rela­tively large, Xlllth century church with a square ended shrine of Szentgyörgy, or, by another name, Kismacs was unearthed by M. Nepper Ibolya. The reconstruction of the church as a memorial was realized in 1982, mainly through the financial aid of the town of Debrecen.

