A Debreceni Déri Múzeum Évkönyve 1962-1964 (Debrecen, 1965)

Tanulmányok - H. Hámori Anna: Some Problems of Devaluating Brick-furniture Mediaeval Graves at Téglás

Anna Hámori Some Problems of Evaluating Brick-furniture Mediaeval Graves at Téglás In the course of rescue excavations conducted by the Déri Museum at Téglás village, County Hajdú-Bihar, in 1962, a small church from the turn of the 12th and 13th centuries, and 41 graves in the surrounding cemetery were opened up. The furniture of 16 of the uncovered 41 graves is brick. This high rate of occurrence made a more detailed study of the said 16 graves desirable. The author investigates the regional spread of mediaeval brick-furniture graves described in litera­ture and makes an attempt at clarifying the origin of brick-furniture and brick-frame burlials. Miss Hámori finds that the number of brick-graves increased in the 14th —15th centuries, and that their appearance in Hungary was probably in the Middle Ages, at the turn of the 12th and 13th centuries. She supposes that brick grave furniture indicated status and wealth; the problem if certain cultic aspects and possible ethnic segregation attached to the presence of brick furnitu­re in graves is still open to debate. Further colbetion of material and studies are necessary to solve this problem. 132

