Mészáros Júlia, N.: 35 éves a Győri Művésztelep. Történeti áttekintés, művek, életrajzi adatok, beszámoló a jubileumi találkozóról - Győri művészettörténet 4. (Győr, 2003)

Életrajzi adatok

hely Gallery, H; Instrumentum III., 1996 Vigadó Gallery, Budapest, H; Instrumen­tum III., Exhibition Hall, Győr, H; Instru­mentum IV., Dunaújváros, H; Internatio­nal Artist’s Symposium, Jubilee exhibition (1992-96); 1997 29"' International Ar­tists' Symposium, Győr, H; Lloyd, Győr, H; Exhibition Hall, Budapest, H; National Small Sculpture Biennial, Pécs, H; The Masters of Graphic Arts, 4,h International Biennial of Drawing and Graphic Arts, Győr, H; 1998 Exhibition Hall, Győr, H; International MADI, Losonc, SK; 1999 Ernst Museum, Budapest (UNESCO), H; Anna Canalli Gallery, Milano, I; Ráday Gallery, Budapest, H; 2000 Vigadó Gal­lery, Budapest, H; 2001 International MADI exhibition, Etlingen (with Bányász, Fajó, Haraszty, Saxon) D; Rippl-Rónai Museum, Kaposvár, H; International MA­DI Museum, Buenos-Aires, RA; Zeitge­nössische Kunst aus Ungarn, Bonn, D; Berlin, D; Schwarzbach-Galerie, Wup­pertal, D; 2003 Vigadó Gallery, Budapest, H; Hungarian Institute, Paris, F; Mille­nary Park, Budapest, H GÁMENTZY ZOLTÁN PAINTER Tärgu-Mure?, RO Kiállítást válogatás (/Selected exhibition: 1966, 1974 Museum, Sfäntu Gheorghe, RO; 1968, 1969, 1971, 1974, 1976Targu- Mure§, RO; 1968, 1973 Co-vasna, RO; 1970 Mikó College, Sfäntu Gheorghe, RO; 1972 Acäjari, RO; Sighi§oara, RO; 1975 Bucharest, RO; 1970, 1973 Miercu­­rea-Ciuc, RO; 1976 Gheorgheni, RO; Cultural House, Sfäntu Gheorghe, RO; 1984-86 International Artists’ Sympo­sium, Győr, H GARAJSZKI JÓZSEF APPLIED ARTIST 1934 Sári, H Tanulmány/Education: 1959 Graduated from the Academy of Applied Arts, Fa­culty of Interior Design, Budapest Önálló kiállítások (válogatás)/Selected individual exhibitions: 1982 Pál Kiss Museum, Budapest, H; BIDA, Zentrum, Frankfurt-Oberrod, D; 1983 Frankfurter Künstlerklub, Frankfurt am Main, D; 1985 Muur Galerie, Amersfoort, NL; 1988 Hungarian Cultural Centre, Helsin­ki, FIN; 1990 Csepel Gallery, Budapest, H; 1991 VIZUÁLART Gallery, Budapest, H; 1992 SPC. Computer Training Centre, Vienna, A; 1993 Augustinum, Detmold, D; 1994 Municipal Gallery, Lage, D; 1995 Pataky Gallery, Budapest, H; 1998: Újlipótvárosi Club Gallery, Budapest, H; 1999 Kossuth House Gallery, Dabas, H; 2000 Passage Gallery, Budapest, H Csoportos kiállítás (válogatás) /Selec­ted group exhibition: 1970 Ernst Muse­um, Budapest, H; 1974 Contemporary Hungarian Applied Arts, Museum of Ap­plied Arts, Budapest, H; 1975 Jubilee Ap­plied Arts Exhibition, Exhibition Hall, Budapest, H; 1977 Applied Arts exhibi­tion, House of Hungarian Culture, Berlin, D; 1980 I2lh International Artists’ Sym­posium, Győr, H; 1983 Works of the Ba­kony Symposium of Fine Arts, Budapest, H; 1984 Exhibition of the VIZUÁLART Artists' Association, School Gallery, Bu­dapest, H; 1985 I8'h International Ar­tists’ Symposium, Municipal Museum of Art, Győr, H; 1986 Exhibition of the VI­ZŰ ALART Artists' Association, Csepel Gallery, Budapest, H; 1988 Exhibition of the Fine and Applied Arts Association, Exhibition Hall, Budapest, H; Vigadó Gallery, Budapest, H; 1989 Baden-Würt­­tenberg, Bonn, D; Frankfurter Künstler­klub, Frankfurt am Main, D; 1992 Hotel Thermal, Budapest, H; 1994 Spring Exhi­­bition’94, Petőfi Hall, Budapest, H; István Pataky Cultural Centre, Budapest, H: 1995 István Pataky Cultural Centre, Budapest, H; 1997 Passage Gallery, Budapest, H; 2000 István Pataky Gallery (with Olivia Ágnes Kenéz), Budapest, H 244

