Mészáros Júlia, N.: 35 éves a Győri Művésztelep. Történeti áttekintés, művek, életrajzi adatok, beszámoló a jubileumi találkozóról - Győri művészettörténet 4. (Győr, 2003)

Életrajzi adatok

EF ZÁMBÓ ISTVÁN PAINTER, GRAPHIC ARTIST 1950 Salgótarján, H Díj/Prize: 1977, 1979 Studio Prize; 1983 Loyota Art Scholarship; 1990 5'h National Drawing Biennial, Salgótarján, Prize of the Hungarian Fine and Applied Art So­ciety; 20th Salgótarján Spring Exhibition, County Council Prize; 1996 8lh National Drawing Biennial, Salgótarján, H, Prize of the National Hungarian Fine Art Soci­ety; 2000 Merited Artist Order. From the 60’s he is engaged in doing fine art, music, film, photography. He was one of the founder members of the Lajos Fine Art Vajda Studio and of the A. E. Com­mittee Band. Önálló kiállítások 1990-től/Selected in­dividual exhibitions from 1990: 1990 Love-Life-Death, Konsthall, Södertälje, S; Galery atrium, Stockholm, S; István Csók Gallery, Székesfehérvár, H; 1992 Home Gallery, Budapest, H; Cultural Centre, Hajdúszoboszló, H; József Rippl-Rónai Museum, Kaposvár, H; Castle Gallery, Veszprém, H; Young Artists Club, Buda­pest, H; 1994 Old pictures, Rét Gallery, Budapest, H; Youth House, Szeged, H; 1995 Café Verdi, Budapest, H; Open Let­ter, Home Gallery, Budapest, H; 1996 Symposium Gallery, Szentendre, H; Pa­per dip Atelier, Szentendre,H; 1997, 2001 Studio 1900 Gallery, Budapest, H; Csepel Gallery, Budapest, H; 2000 Erdész Gal­lery, Szentendre, H. Csoportos kiállítások 1990-től/Group exhibitions from 1990: 1982-87 Interna­tional Artists' Symposium, Győr, H; 1990 Lajos Vajda Studio Exhibition, Galeria de Arta, Sfäntu Gheorghe, RO; Krach, Exhi­bition Hall, Győr, H; 1991 Unicornis, Vi­gadó Gallery, Budapest, H; Miles Davis Memorial Exhibition, Lajos Vajda Studio, Szentendre, H; 1992 Kecskemét Gallery, Kecskemét, H; Lajos Vajda Studio, Szent­endre, H; 1993 Art’eria Gallery Exhibi­tion, Vigadó Gallery, H; István Csók Gal­lery, Székesfehérvár, H; Atlantis II­Szentendre, Atlantis Gallery, Szentendre, H; 1994 Dolce far niente, Studio 1900 Gallery, Budapest, H; The 80’s. Fine Art, Ernst Museum, Budapest. H; Art’Eria Gallery, Szentendre, H; 1996 19 from the Lajos Vajda Studio, Vigadó Gallery, H; 1997 Oil/Canvas, Exhibition Hall, Buda­pest, H; Music in the Art, Szentendre Gal­lery, Szentendre, H; 1998 The Lajos Vaj­da Studio Exhibition, Cultural Palace, Tärgu- Mure?, RO; New Gallery, Oradea, RO; 1999 Art in Szentendre in 70's and 80 ’j-Lajos Vajda Studio exhibition, Mun­icipal Museum of Art, Győr, H. EIFERT JÁNOS PHOTOGRAPHER 1943 Hódmezővásárhely, H From 1997 to 2002 he was the president of the Hungarian Photographers’ Associa­tion. Dij/Prize: 1977 International Photo Sa­lon, Reus, E-Europe ’77 Prize; 1987 Willy-Hengl Prize, Traun, A; Venus 89, Krakow, PL-KTF Gold Medal; 1991 Munich MultiMedia Festival, Munich, D -Prize for The Best Photography; 1992 AFIAP, EsFIAP (Fédération Internatio­nale de l’Art Photographique), Honorable Mention; 2002 Arbeitkreis Portraitfotog­­rafen, International-Mention, Önálló kiállítások 1985-től/Individua) exhibitions from 1985: 1985 Pro Natura, Kernstok Hall,Tatabánya, H; 1987 Con­fessions written by light, Eötvös Gallery, Budapest, H; 1988 Breathing, Cegléd, H; 1991 A Est dell’Immagine-Mostra foto­­grafica personale di Eifer János, Biblio­­teca Civica, Lecco, I; 1992 Un soir, un auteur. Studio Raspail, Paris, F; 1993 Mois de la Photo, Palais du Roi de Rome, Rambouillet; 1997 Natural Photos, Miró Photo Gallery, Budapest, H; Meine Liebe, der Tanz, Frankfurt/Oder, D; 3T (Dance, Body, Nature), House of Arts, Pécs, H; Breaking Line, Hungarian Photo Museum. Budapest, H; 2001 3T, Salgótarján Photo Gallery; 2002 Municipal Museum of Art, 237

