Bíró Szilvia - Székely Zoltán: Arrabona - Múzeumi Közlemények 49/2. (Győr, 2011)


SUMMARY STUDIES Nagy Andrea: Early Avar graves at the “Győr-Pápai vám” site...................................7 Gábor Nemes: . .When it would have been time of opening the inn” The wine selling of the chapter of Győr in Újváros in the 17th century......33 Péter Dominkovits: Princely consumption. Ferdinand I. at the diet session of 1553 in Sopron as reflected by the book of accounts of the town.........................................49 József Horváth: Three “Rác” (Serbian) testaments of Győr from the 18th century.......................................................................................57 Zsanett Nemesné Matus: Two satirical poems of the diet politicians from the episcopal archives of Győr..............................................................77 Zoltán Székely: “Bacon makes nice smell”. Hungarian songs from the documents of János Sztankovics, a Bishop of Győr.............................................................99 Ádám Paár: “A good socialist and a good citizen”. The career of a worker-politician from the Horthy era..............................109 Mihály Giber: A hardly known ecclesiastical monument: a medieval church on the Káptalandomb of Győr......................................127 Gyula Perger: “1-1 wooden statues of St. Peter and St. Paul.” The building and equipment of the St. Joseph church in Győr-Újváros ...161 Zoltán Szilárdfy: The altarpiece of the St. Rosalie chapel of the hospital of Magyaróvár in the light of a painting representing the saints of the baroque Vienna..................................................................................199 Tibor Almási: From year to year. Chapters from the artistic life of Győr. V. 1907...........................................205 RECENSIONS Teréz Csécs: Vilmos Tóth: Biographies of Tét..........................................................227 Mátyás Falvai: Searching for the Water Man of Hanság Péter Gerencsér: The transformation of Istók Hány..................................231 Katalin Rákos: The application of the vegetal ornaments at the turn of the 20th century. An introduction of a Freeh pattern book: Maurice Pillard Verneuil: Etude de la Plante, Son application aux industries d’art...............................................................237 Péter Tomka: Sopron - Hungarian Atlas of City-history, Vol. 1 .................................243 6

