Arrabona - Múzeumi közlemények 39/1-2. (Győr, 2001)

SUMMARY PUSZTAI REZSŐ: Research of a Roman settlement remain, villa rustica at the Kecske fields of Mosonszentpéter (Jánossomorja) 34 ILON GÁBOR - FARKAS CSILLA: Houses of the Late-Lengyel Culture Settlement at the Confines of Szombathely 52 M. EGRY ILDIKÓ: Report on the Preliminary Exploration Carried out on the Area of Győr-Marcalváros-Shopping Centre 64 SZŐNYI ESZTER: Recently found stone monuments from the Roman Age in the Xántus János Museum 90 GABLER DÉNES: A late Terra Sigillata officina from the Po-region - L.MAG ( ) VIRI (lis?) 120 GABRIELI GABRIELLA-LŐRINCZ BARNABÁS: The ala I Hispanorum Arvacorum Latest Relics from Levél 130 GESZTELYI TAMÁS: The Gem Collection of Xántus János Museum in Győr 154 TOMKA PÉTER: The Grave of Árpás from the 5th century 180 BONA ISTVÁN: Finishing Excavations in the Langobard Cemetery of Bezenye 204 ÁSZT ÁGNES: Preliminary report on the archeological researches carried out at the area of Gyepföldek Dűlő in Mosonszentmiklós 234 DR.CZIGÁNYJENO: Artificially Deformed Skulls of the Xántus János Museum of Győr 258 DOMONKOS OTTÓ: Travels of a Soap-maker Journeyman in Central Europe in the 1840's 268 ÁCS ANNA: The Croatian's National Costume in Bezenye and Kimle 288 DOMINKOVITS PÉTER: The Land-owning Society- of Moson County at the End of the 16th Century 327 6

