Alba Regia. Annales Musei Stephani Regis. – Alba Regia. A Szent István Király Múzeum Évkönyve. 30. 2000 – Szent István Király Múzeum közleményei: C sorozat (2001)

Tanulmányok – Abhandlungen - Horváth Tünde – Kozák Miklós – Pető-Farkas Anna: The complex investigation of the stone artefacts from Vatya-earthworks of Fejér county. Part. I. p. 7–20. t. I–XII.

Alba Regia XXX, 2001 T. HORVÁTH - M. KOZÁK - A. PETŐ THE COMPLEX INVESTIGATION OF THE STONE ARTEFACTS FROM VATYA-EARTHWORKS OF FEJÉR COUNTY. PART I. (Archaeological and petrographical investigation) INTRODUCTION In this paper we would like to publish the stone artefacts of the Fejér-county's Vatya-earthworks (more exactly, tools made of stone from Aba-Belsőbáránd­Bolondvár, Igar-Vámpuszta-Galástya, Kajászó-Várdomb, Lovasberény-Mihályvár, Pákozd-Vár, and Sárbogárd­Cifrabolond vár) 1 This study aims at archaeological and geological investigations, too. Our purpose was to study with interdisciplinary methods this group of the earthworks, which are of the same age, culture and geographical circumstances. These data we would like to insert into a complex Vatya-culture project, which studies every tool made of stone. In this case the paper deals with the western part of the Vatya-settlements, which we have accomplished. In this moment we could compare the data of Fejér-county with Százhalombatta and Bölcske, lying on the bank of Danube (Nagyrév-Vatya culture). Pictures: Plate I. : The spread of Vatya-earthworks in Fejér county, after Nováki 1952, 1. The spread of Vatya-earthworks and hoards after Kovács 1995, 22. Plate II.: The geomorphological - lithological map of Vatya-earthworks in Fejér county Aba-Belsőbárándpuszta-Bolondvár Geographical description The so-called Bolond vár is situated half kilometre far to the east from Belsőbárándpuszta, on the beginning of the valley Háromág, on the NW side of a large plateau. The geographical environs (Middle-Mezőföld) of the earthwork is an alluvial area covered by loess (Marosi 1990). This territory was formed by the tectonical effects during the Pleistocene (Rónai-Szentes, 1972): the uplifted We would like to thank for the archaeological finds to the former excavators, T. Kovács, and É. F. Petres Special thanks to Éva F. Petres for her helpful assistance. area was covered by loess and loess-like sediments, the depressions became backlands. The morphological picture of the region was determined by the erosion and derasion valleys, which give natural protection to the earthwork. The shape of the earthwork resemble a triangle, on the east side there is a shallow fosse, on the west side the plateau slopes downward to the meadow, the south side borders a deep, vertical-wall ravine, which is used now as dirt road. The length of the earthwork is 180 m, the greatest width is 100 m. The whole territory is divided into two parts by a 25m wide, 2m deep fosse. This fosse on the eastern side gently slopes downward, it was the former way up to the settlement. We can see the traces of the rampart on the NE corner of the second part of the settlement, its height is hardly 200 cm. On the southern and the northern ends of the earthwork an artificial hill is surmounted, tied with the fortification. In the first part of the earthwork we can find a 26 m (diameter) circle, which encloses a 6m width, half meter deep fosse. It was a bastion in the Bronze Age, and we can say that it is the most characteristic feature among the Earthwork. This feature (the fortified circle bastion) appear on Pákozd and Sárbogárd too, but they can not be seen so well, like in the case of Aba. This territory of the earthwork is very small, it was not used for residence. The surface of the first part of the settlement was ravaged in the II. World War (military ditches), and in the Medieval Age (remains of a building with stone walls). The surface of the second part is smoother, with some pottery and daub from the Bronze Age. (Nováki 1952, 8.) In the summer of 2000 we made field-survey on the territory and on the South-eastern part we found the exterior settlement of the earthwork (there were many finds in the ploughed land), outside the earthwork. Excavations on the earthwork: (1960, excavator: T. Kovács, Tell-study archaeological group) On the southern part of the earthwork a 4x4 m trench was opened, where between 37 and 50 cm 5 dwelling layers were reported. The 2nd trench dug to SE, 25 m far from 7

