Alba Regia. Annales Musei Stephani Regis. – Alba Regia. Az István Király Múzeum Évkönyve. 24. 1986-1988 – Szent István Király Múzeum közleményei: C sorozat (1990)

Tanulmányok – Abhandlungen - Petres Éva, F.: The Problem of the Celtic Survival in Pannonia. p. 7–15.

In small and remote settlements the way of life remained un­changed up to the 4 th с as the only evidence to show that here the rural population as an ethnic group was not substantially changed by this events. Supplementary Notes* A fundamental summary 'The Changes of the Late La Tène settlement's life in the Roman Age' was made by D. Ga­bler. It was a lecture in the Archaeological Institut of Hun­garian Academy of Sciences. Its shorter english version was delivered in the 15th International Congress of Roman Fontier Studies in Canterbury in 1989. Hereby I thank D. Gabler for putting the text at my disposal still before the lecture. He studied the changes of the different site-types (oppidum, open-site, lying along the limes or inside of the province), a single question of the survival but it can be outlined archaeologi­cally and historically the best. Seeing the oppida-question one of the most important new result is the assignation of the date when the hill-forts securing the western gate of the Carpathian Basin were abandoned. Comparing the old and new finds, the results of the Slovakian and Austrian research works the abandonment of Dévény (De­vin) hill-fort is dated to the end of the 30s or the beginning of Claudius' reign with the building up of the Carnuntum II. camp. The date seems to be the same in case of the Pozsony (Bratis­lava) oppidum and also the Braunsberg one near Hainburg. Relying upon a North Italian (Godineau C) terra sigillata fragment of M. Fekete's excavation D. Gabler sais that the Velem-Szent-Vid oppidum was abandoned not earlier than the Claudian period about 45 A.D. not long ago the establish­ment of Savaria. New and exact results can be expected related to the con­struction of the defensive system and the connection be­tween the settlement and the fort in the French-Hungarian excavation of the Velem oppidum having been carried out since 1988. Knowing the results of the last two seasons of the excavation (1988-1989) the main rampart, extending from the top of the hill-fort to north-eastern direction, can be dated to the La Tène D period. The rampart was built onto a Hallstatt С settlement. The layers running under the rampart show that the Early Iron Age site was larger than the Late Celtic one in this territory. (French-Hungarian ex­cavation at Velem-Szent-Vid. Previous report of the research work in 1988-1989. Manuscript). According to the general custom the Ostffyasszonyfa-Földvár major oppidum was surrounded by a twice renewed rampart only in La Tène D period after the Late Bronze Age (Károlyi 1985, 397-). In opposition to M. Károlyi, the head of this excava­tion, D. Gabler dates the end of the oppidum's life not to 15 A.D. but to the end of the 30s or the beginning of the 40s when the legio XV Apollinaris moved from Savaria (?) to Carnuntum. According to D. Gabler's statement the abandonment of the Esztergom-Várdomb oppidum gets in a new light as he dates the building of the camp, - considered to be in existence from the Traianic period till now - to an earlier time, not later than the Vespasian period on the basis of the numerous North Italian and la grafeusanque (Drag 29.) terrae sigillatae and an imported Italian red plate. So the abandonment of this oppidum can be dated also to the Claudian period. New excavations began in case of the wellknown Gellérthegy oppidum, too. Gy. Nováki and M. Petö's excavations de­termined a twice renewed and a larger inhabited area than it seemed to be before in the La Tène D period. (Nováki-Pető 1988, 83-). French-Hungarian excavations began also here in 1990, and can bring new results about the rampart construction. A new water find can be connected with the living on cult site type of Gellérthegy. 18 altar pieces with inscriptions erected to Juppiter Teutanus were found in the Danube at Bölcske. The new stones, similarly to the known altar, can be dated to the 3 rd century A.D. They were secondarily built into the wall of a 4 th century fort (Kőhegyi-Gaál-Szabó 1987-1988, 265. The in­scriptions will be published by S. Soproni and E. Tóth). Probably the Pomáz-Nagycsikóvár oppidum, kown from No­váki-Pető's work, is a refugium type hill-fort where Late La Tène sherds were found (Nováki-Pető 1988, 99). In the respect of open-sites D. Gabler mentions the possibility that the native population of Roman Age survived not only in the remote settlements (Szakály-type settlements in the valley of river Kapos) but along some main roads, too. He based his supposition on L. Horváth's topographic work. He compared the La Tène D settlements to the ones of the Early Imperial period in the South Zala area where the two-third parts of the sites from both periods are on the same territory. This fact makes the hypothesis probable that survival groups could live near main roads in the Roman Age. In case of the South Zala settlements along the Poetovio­Aquincum road. BIBLIOGRAPHY Alföldy 1960 Alzinger 1952 Amand 1960 Amand 1965 Barkóczi 1956 Barkóczi-Bónis 1954 BÁNKI 1972 Bona 1978 Bonis 1957 G. ALFÖLDY, Pannoniciani augures. AAntHung, VIII, 145-164. W. ALZINGER, Das norisch-pannonische Hügelgrab. Mitt, der Urgesch. Arbeitsgemeinschaft 3. M. AMAND, Roman barrows in Belgium. Analecta Archaeologica. Festschrift Fremersdorf M. AMAND, Les tumulus d'époque romaine. Latomus, XXIV, 614-628. L. BARKÓCZI, Császárkori kelta edényégető telep Bicsérden. Celtic Pottery Kilns from the Times of the Roman Empire at Bicsérd. FolArch, VIII, 61-87. L. BARKÓCZI-É. 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