Alba Regia. Annales Musei Stephani Regis. – Alba Regia. Az István Király Múzeum Évkönyve. 20. 1980 – Szent István Király Múzeum közleményei: C sorozat (1983)

Közlemények – Mitteilungen - Gelencsér József: Tejfeldolgozás, tejtermék fogyasztás Sárkeresztesen. – Dairy productions and consumption of dairy-products at Sárkeresztes. p. 243–248. t. LXXXI–LXXXII.

Beeing quite cheap the milk and the dairy-products were very important in the peasants' food of Sárkeresztes. Cold or boiled milk was taken by each age-class every season of the year. They substituted also the valuable fat for milky food. Milk was used up for soups and raised pies, too. Cold curd was an afternoon food and sour cream was eaten similarly with pies and vegetables. The popular cheese-curd was made in the sun or on fire and it played a part both in the everyday and the festive menu. They made mostly the animals drink the whey, the by-product of the cheese-curd making, but the poorer took it also themselves. At the beginning of our century they ma­de even soup of it and put some whey also in the dough of the wedding-potcake. They left off butter-curning in the early forties. Till then it was made in wooden wessel. In the peasant households it was slighty used up except on holydays, and by the families with little child­ren as, first of all, they intended it for market. The secondary product of the curning, the buttermilk was used up similarly to the whey. Beside Urhida, Sárkeresztes had the most important part in the provision of the county-seat with dairy-products. There was a definite way of the goods' preparing for market, of the sale, and of the door to door delivery. Till the end of the fifties the peasants carried the dairy-pro­ducts, the sourcream, the cheese-curd, and the butter in baskets with the eggs together on foot or by cart to the market. The sour­cream was sold in glasses, the cheesecurd, and the butter in pieces. The tested measures or weighing became general only in the early sixties. They prefered the greater market on Saturdays to the secondary one on Wednesdays. The families having safer economic back-ground could carry their goods continuously, so they delivered their dairy-products with the eggs and poultry together at officials', craftsmen', and traders' houses. The connection between the parties took years even decades long so the price was more stable and the day's price did not influence it too much. Since the twenties there were attempts at state purchase of milk but they failed one after the other. The peasants prefered to use it up themselves or sold it more profitably. For sake of a better sale also the improvement and adulteration of dairy-products was not unknown. There is a close connection between the beliefs relating to cattle-breeding and milk. The beliefs and the prohibitions serving as protection emerge among older people even nowadays, but the preventive, magic acts are unknown. The wide-spread stories about malefic enchantment connecting with the belief in witches are known at Sárkeresztes even now. The aim of my study was to demonstrate the peasant animal keeping, the peasant food of a village and the role it played in the regional division of labor. J. Gelencsér IRODALOM FARKAS 1965 Hegyi 1967 KARDOS 1943 Kecskés 1981 Kisbán 1960 Kisbán 1982.a. Kisbán 1982.b. Kisbán—Pócs 1982 Knézy 1975 Knézy 1980 Knézy 1981 Sergő 1963 Sergő 1974 Tanka 1972 VAJKAI 1959 Wekerle 1896 ZÁCH 1863 FARKAS G, Dokumentumok Fejér megye felszabadításának történetéből 1943—45. Székesfehérvár HEGYI I., Vajnyerés. Mutatvány a Magyar Néprajzi Atlasz anyagából. NéprÉrt XLIX, 47—50. KARDOS L, AZ Őrség népi táplálkozása Bp. 44—46, 134—142. KECSKÉS S, Tehenesgazdák, tehesesek fizetése és jutalék rendszere a Fejér megyei uradalmi tehe­nészetekben (1934). Agrártörténeti Szemle 1—2. KISBÁN E, Vizsgálatok a kisalföldi népi táplálkozás köréből. Néprajzi Múzeum Etnológiai Adattár 161. KISBÁN E, Tejtartó edény, Magyar Néprajzi Lexikon 5. 230. KISBÁN E, Tejfeldolgozás. Magyar Néprajzi Lexikon 5. 228. KISBÁN E—Pócs É, Vajkészítés. Magyar Néprajzi Lexikon 5. 461—463. KNÉZY J, A táplálkozás szokásai és rendszere G ige, Csököly, Rinyakovácsi, Kisbajom belső-somo­gyi községekben. Somogyi múzeumok közleményei II, 103—118. KNÉZY J, Paraszti tejfeldolgozás és tejtermékek fogyasztása Somogyban (1850—1945). Somogy néprajza II. Kaposvár 137—168. KNÉZY J, Babócsa és környéke népi táplálkozása. Ethn. 2—3. 459—470. SERGŐ E, Népi táplálkozás Sárkeszin. István király Múzeum Néprajzi Adattára SERGŐ E, Népi táplálkozás és étkezési szokások Dunapentelén. Alba Regia XIII, 273—285. TANKA J, Régi abai (mezőföldi) népi ételek. István király Múzeum Néprajzi Adattára VAJKAI A, Szentgál. Egy bakonyi falu néprajza. Bp. WEKERLE S, Fejérmegye. Az Osztrák—Magyar Monarchia írásban és képben. IV. Bp. 529—576. ZÁCH J, Fehérmegye topográphiai statisztikája. Székesfehérvár 125 p. 248

