Alba Regia. Annales Musei Stephani Regis. – Alba Regia. Az István Király Múzeum Évkönyve. 4.-5. 1963-1964 – Szent István Király Múzeum közleményei: C sorozat (1965)

Tanulmányok – Abhandlungen - Bóna István: The Peoples of Southern Origin of the Early Bronze Age in Hungary I–II. IV–V, 1963–64. p. 17–63. t. I–XVII.

15. The fragment of a rather large vessel of a scabrous surface, with a cylindrical handle (PI. XII. no. 6). 16. The upper part of a vessed with a smoothed neck portion, a scabrous body and a strap handle (PI. XI no. 8). 17. A similar one, larger (PI. XII no. 5). 18. A similar one, smaller (PL XI no. 4). 1932 gift. 19. The fragment of the side of a vase with a zigzag decoration and a small strap handle (PI. XI no. 6). Inv. no. 265 (299). Vases no. 1 and 7 have been described and presented in sketch and photograph by J. Ban­ner several times 2 but in a different connecti­on. The Somogyvár vessels and sherds come from a settlement in all probability. Up to our day they are the most complete and leading complex of the group. The Somogyvár finds 2 DSz 8 (1941) 350, PI. 1 nos 7, 11; Arch. Ért. 1942, 83-84, Fig. 2 no. 2; Die Péceler Kultur. Arch. Hung. 35 (1956) 27, PI. 9 nos 2-3. have enabled us to gather the related ones. Let us begin our review with the sites of North­ern Transdanubia: G ö n y ü (Győr—Sopron county) In August 1948 a jar with the mouth turn­ed downwards was found at a depth of 40 — 50 cm on the Hömbölygő hill, or „Tetudomb" resp­ectively. Beside it sherds of a large standing tankard were uncovered by S. Mithay. Works executed around the small hill turned the earth in a large area but they did not bring any fur­ther sherd to light. Though it is not mentioned in the report preserved in the Győr Museum, S. Mithay informs us that somewhat later a skeleton was found below the vessels. So the two vessels belonged to the inhumed skeleton buried in the small mound. Fig. 1. 40

