Bányai Balázs - Kovács Eleonóra (szer.): A"Zichy-expedíció"- Szent István Király Múzeum közleményei. A. sorozat 48. (Székesfehérvár, 2013)

The "Zichy Expedition"

WHERE HE COES TO REST FOR A FEW DAYS 199 “WHERE HE GOES TO REST FOR A FEW DAYS” Jenő Zichy moved to Budapest in the early 1880s. After that, he visited his estates only a few times a year. He entrusted his officers and tenants with their control, but that did not mean that the manor houses were neglected during the whole year. The small house and English garden in Szentmihály remained a favoured place of the family. Such noteworthy family events took place there as for example the bethrotal of Jenő Zichy’s daughter Hermin by the lancer-cap­tain Ferenc Crenneville in 1895.55 The most favoured place of the Count in County Fejér was not Szentmihály-Zichyfalva but his house in Felsőszenti­­ván. It was built in the early 19th century in classical style and was surround­ed by an English garden. Around 1880 a water tower in neorenessaince style was erected next to it and the photographs of the facade show that in the time of dualism modifications on the manor house were done. This building “full of hospitality and treasures of art” is hardly known. Only the existence of the Count’s suite, the salon, the library and the guestrooms are proven. The library demonstrated the high scientific expectations of the Count - or maybe his uncle’s, the former owner of the manor house -, and his love for collecting as the plain of Felsőszentiván, "where he goes to rest for a few days” was not really a high priority in the daily life of the Count.56 In these few days of leisure the Count did “intellectual work" or turned to some social enjoyment or to some sportive activities. For examp­le, members of the Historical and Archeological Association of County Fe­jér and Székesfehérvár as well as the National Association of Archeology and Anthropology spent some days here.57 When hunts were prohibited, lectures were held about the successful organisation of hunting grounds.58 The Count, being a nationally and internationally successful pidgeon-hunter himself, repeatedly organized pidgeon-shooting competitions.59 Archduke Josef, a friend of the Count, enjoyed Zichy’s hospitality during the training sessions of the hussars.60 The biggest social events were undoubtedly the hunts. In the 1880s and the early 1890s, winter-hunts for rabbit and pheasant were held for many days on the family lands in the Mezőföld-region, in Vajta, Nagyláng (today: Soponya), both possessions of the Palota line of the Zichy family, as well as on the lands of Ödön and Jenő Zichy.61 In 1884 Jenő Zichy be-gan to plant trees and groves to support hunting.62 He settled deer in his phaesant-wood in Zichyfalva,63 while in Felsőszentiván estalished a “deer garden” on 436 'cadastral holds’64 His enthusiasm yielded results indeed after a few years. After his father’s death, the huge fortune was divided and Jenő Zichy could organize hunts on the lands controlled by himself alone. The expansion of

