Fitz Jenő (szerk.): Religions and Cults in Pannonia. Exhibiton an Székesfehérvár, Csók István Gallery 15 May - 30 September 1996 – Szent István Király Múzeum közleményei: A. sorozat 33. (1998)

123. Gem with the represention of masks and animals Brown jasper. Standing oval, both sides are flat. Grylloi (combination of masks and animals). Silen mask standing on cock's feet, from which a bridled horse protome arises. Behind them a cock's tail and ram head, in the mouth of the latter one two spikes. - 1st century B.C. - 1,4x1,1 cm. - Óbuda (Aquincum) - AM, 51241. SZILÁGYI 1956, 82.; Aquileia-Aquincum 1995, 91, no. 220. T.G. 124. Gem with a Bacchic scene Oval, white-black layered cameo with a Bacchic scene: a figure riding a donkey, in his hand or on his shoulder a beribboned staff, the donkey is led by Pan. The bottom of the cameo is damaged. - 3rd century - 2,4x2 cm. - Dunaújváros (Intercisa), Great Cemetery. -IM, Unpublished. J.B.H. 87

