Fitz Jenő (szerk.): Die aktuellen Fragen der Bandkeramik - István Király Múzeum közelményei. A. sorozat 18. A Pannon konferenciák aktái 1. (Székesfehérvár, 1972)

R. R. Newell: A hollandiai vonaldíszes kerámia korakő-eszközeinek rokonsága a közéső kőkori kőeszköziparral

THE MESOLITHIC AFFINITIES ANI) TYPOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF THE DUTCH RANDKERAMIK FLINT INDUSTRY1 1. Introduction It has long been recognised that one of the charac­teristic features of the western manifestation of the Linearbandkeramik culture is a broad-based and abundant flint industry*2*. Unfortunately, until re­cently, this trait of the larger cultural configuration has received little or no attention. Furthermore, where that industry has been described in the west, it has only been on the hand of a few „typical” arti­facts coming from well dated pits*3*. In no instance has a complete industry been described and analysed in relation to the chronological-typological system of the houseplans and decorated pottery. This paper is an attempt to make such an analysis and then from same to formulate an hypothesis as to the origins and affinities of the western Bandkeramik flint in­dustry. For this study, the complete silicious material from the recently excavated settlements of Stein, Sittard, and Elsloo*4* has been analysed. Following a des-(1) This article is a condensed version of a study of the same name presented to the University of London as a Ph. I), dissertation and which is published in part in Analecta Leidensia 3, 1970, ed. Prof P. Mod - d e r in a n. (2) W. BUTTLER, Der donaländische und der westliche Kulturkreis der jüngeren Steinzeit. Berlin 1938.; A BÖHMERS — A. BRUIJN, Das lithische Material aus der bandkeramischen Siedlungen in den Mieder­­landen.Palaeohistoria 6/7, 1958/59.; H. QUITTA, pur Frage der ältesten Bandkeramik in Mitteleuropa. cription of the raw material and the primary and se­condary technologies, the typological system will be listed. For complete technological and morphological definitions of the constituent types, the reader is referred to the original publication. The flint industry will then be graphed in a histogram and analysed for significant internal variations. It will be established that the Older Linearbandkeramik industry differs significantly from the Younger and that that diffe­rence manifests itself most clearly at the Period I/II transition. Finally, in the published article, the Dutch Linearbandkeramik flint industry will be compared with that of the indigenous Atlantic period (Western Oldesloe and Younger Oldesloe) Mesolithic cultures. It will then be demonstrated that the former is closely related to the latter and that it originated and deve­loped as a direct result of functional contact and acculturation. PZ 38, I960.; K. SCHIETZEL, Müddersheim, Eine Ansiedlung der jüngeren Bandkeramik in Rheinland. Köln 1965.; R. TRÎNGHAM, A preliminary study of the early neolithic and latest mesolithic blade industries in southeast and central Europe. Studies in Ancient Europe. Leicester 1968. (3) A. ROHMERS - A. BRUJIN, o. c. (4) P. MODDERMAN, Bandkeramische Siedlungsspuren in Elsloo.........................................; ID., Die Bandkera­mische Siedlung von Sittard. Palaeohistoria 6/7, 1956/59 У

