A Móra Ferenc Múzeum Évkönyve: Studia Historica 10. (Szeged, 2007)

FORGÓ Géza: A makói Jókai Mór bizottság működése

GÉZA FORGÓ THE JÓKAI MÓR COMMITTEE IN MAKÓ The 50 th anniversary of Mór Jókai as a Hungarian novelist was celebrated in 1894. In order to organize local events of the anniversary, the Jókai Mór Committee was established in Makó led by the mayor of the town. The study presents the work of the committee, as well as the local celebrations and the ceremony awarding the novelist honorary citizenship. It also deals with the opinion of the civic sphere of both Csanád County and the town, as well as with the connections of the vast Jókai-publication (100 volumes) to the town of Makó. The reader may also get acquainted with two honorary diplomas Mór Jókai received in Makó, and with three photographs of the novelist he sent to Makó.

