A Móra Ferenc Múzeum Évkönyve: Studia Historiae Literarum et Artium, 1. (Szeged, 1997)
CONTENTS Foreword 5 Péter, László: The Jesuits in Szeged 9 Lengyel, András: The Network of Zoltán Gáspár's Literary Connections (A historicalsociological analysis of the stock of dedicated books in his library). 23 Cornelius, Deborah S. : Women in the Interwar Populist Movement: The Szeged Youth 49 Nagy, Imre: „The Black Came over the Sun...": Lame Bull's spiritual oeuvre 59 Tóth, Attila: Monuments as Means of Propaganda of National Consciousness and Power 95 Dömötör, János: The History of a Sculpture (Ede Kallós: Erkel) 109 Szuromi, Pál: Colors, Forms, and Expressions. On Contemporary Painting in Szeged 135 Minor Publications Nagy, Imre: Letters from the Heritage of Béla Endre, the Painter 165 Lengyel, András: Tömörkény' s Obituary Notice by Dezső Kosztolányi 172 Valachi, Anna: In the Track of a Mysterious Muse (Jolán József s two letters to Gyula Juhász) 175 Apró, Ferenc: Four Inscriptions by István Hegyi 185 R. Nagy, András: Addenda to István Hegyi's Biography . 188 Lengyel, András: Samu Rapaport on Gyula Juhász and Attila József 194 * * * Szelesi, Rózsa: A Bibliography of Zoltán Szelesi 197 4