Bárkányi Ildikó szerk.: A Móra Ferenc Múzeum Évkönyve: Studia Ethnographica 7. (Szeged, 2011)

N. Szabó Magdolna: Alsóvárosi háztörténet. Fejezetek egy napsugaras ház életéből építéstől napjainkig

IRODALOM BÁLINT Sándor 1936 Napsugaras házvégek pusztulása. Szegedi Friss Újság 1936. december 25. 10. 1976 A szögedi nemzet 1. rész. A Móra Ferenc Múzeum évkönyve 1974/75-2. Szeged JUHÁSZ Antal 1980 A napsugaras oromdíszítés és megóvásának lehetőségei. Műemlékvédelem 1980/3. 165-171. 1989 Adatok a XVIII-XIX. századi alföldi ház kéményéhez és konyhai tüzelőberendezéséhez. In: Nóvák L. - Selmeczi L. (szerk.): Építészet az Alföldön I-II. Nagykőrös. 195-208. OZSVÁTHNÉ CSEGEZI Mónika - OZSVÁTH Gábor Dániel 2005 A régi Szeged múlékony jellegzetességei: a napsugárdíszes házoromzatok. Ház és Ember 18. Szentendre, 81-164. Cs. SEBESTYÉN Károly 1904 Szegedi napsugárdíszes házvégek. Néprajzi Értesítő 268-276. VASS Erika - VALKONY Károly 2005 Napsugaras házak a Dél-Alföldön. Ház és Ember 18. Szentendre, 53-80. House-history in Szeged Alsóváros Chapters from the History of a House Decorated with Sunbeam Motif by MAGDOLNA N. SZABÓ Present study reveals the building history of a house in Szeged Alsóváros in light of the lifestyle changes of its dwellers and in reflection of other socioeconomic alterations. Previous studies in the field have focused on the folk architectural values of the buildings in this dis­trict of the town. These accounts detailed the types of pediments with sunbeam motif and the applications of the standard house designs offered for the dwellers after the great flood of 1879. Studies described the architectural harmony of the once homogenous streets and analysed the possibilities of surveying and protecting the traditional architectural values. These detailed studies revealed the construction of the houses on the basis of archival sources or they described the status of the existing houses. Present study aims to reveal the life of a particular house in Alsóváros decorated with sunbeam mo­tif. It provides data on the construction and restructuring of the studied house together with its subsidiary buildings since the time it was originally planned. The house analysed in this article (at Szabadság tér 9) has been inhabited by the descendants of the same family since its construction. They have been adapting the building to their lifestyle and personal demands ever since. On the basis of archival data and family memories the construction and restructuring of the house could be reconstructed. With the help of present research the life of a middle peasant paprika grower family could be documented from generation to gen­eration. We can get to know the flourishing stage of peasant farming before World War II reflected in the growing number and enlargement of the farm-buildings on the plot. The momentous changes taken place after World War II and the nationalisation of private property is also reflected in the history of the house. The old walls of the house and the modern spaces hidden behind the preserved pediment and house front reflect the fates of the previous and present dwellers. Both the official protection of historic buildings and the respect to private and communal history oblige the present dwellers to protect and renovate their survived values. 251

