A Móra Ferenc Múzeum Évkönyve, 1982/83-1. (Szeged, 1985)

Régészet - Hegedűs Katalin: The Settlement of the Neolithic Szakálhát-Group at Csanytelek–Újhalastó

No houses, only pits were excavated at the eponymous site of Hódmezővásár­hely—Szakáihát. 28 In the course of the control excavation conducted at Tápé—Lebő in 1956 there were uncovered postholes indicating the presence of houses and amorphous patches of burnt wattle and daub 29 which were interpreted as the remains of rectangular, semi-subterranean hut-iike structures. Similar houses were excavated by J. Csalog at Szegvár—Tűzköves. 80 The rescue excavations conducted at Devaványa—Sártó in 1969 yielded valuable new evidence as regards the research of Neolithic houses. 31 Judging by the position of the postholes it would appear that the house was constructed around vertical wooden beams on the surface. The house itself had a disproportionally narrow rectangular groundplan with a length of 7 m and a width of 2 m. Its axis deviated by 30° to the north. The reconstruction of the house was based on the dimensions of the debris of burnt wattle and daub, the floor plastering (which was oval and could be observed to an extent of 4.5X2 m) and the post holes. A rectangular patch of burnt wattle and daub 4X5 m large was uncovered at Devaványa—Simasziget which was interpreted as the remain of a NE —SW oriented semi-subterranean house. 32 10 houses built with a similar technique were uncovered at the Szentes— Ilona­part settlement of the Szakáihát group. 33 Little is known of the structure of this settlement owing to the deficiencies of the excavation diary and documentation. Only the groundplan of two houses could be reconstructed with certainity; 34 one was indicated by a debris of burnt wattle and daub extending over an area of 8X6 m. Traces of the floor and numerous finds are mentioned by the excavator. A rectangular structure bordered by numerous small postholes is mentioned from Battonya —Gödrösök by Gyula Gazdapusztai and later by Alajos Bálint who also published a drawing of the bipartite building. 35 An extensive debris of burnt wattle and daub 15x8 m heavily damaged by later pits, covering a floor plastered with mud was observed by Júlia G. Szénászky in the course of rescue excavations conducted at Battonya —Vidpart. 36 The floor itself could only be observed in patches since it was very badly preserved. The rigidity of the walls was ensured by large wooden posts having a diameter of с 20— 3û cm which were arranged according to a fairly regular plan. The excavations conducted at Vésztő—Mágor during 1975—76 by the present author yielded a house originally built with the same technique as the house uncovered at Battonya at a depth of 6.4 m (in the 2nd building layer of the tell settlement counted from the bottom). 37 The bipartite house of which only about three-fourths 28 Banner, J.—Bálint, A., A szakáiháti őskori telep (The prehistoric settlement at Szakáihát). Dolg. XI (1935) 77. 29 Trogmayer, O., Ásatás Tápé-—Lebőn (Excavations at Tápé—Lebő). MFMÉ (1957) 56. 30 Csalog, J., Das Wohnhaus „E" von Szegvár—Tűzköves und seine Funde. Acta Arch. Hung. 9 (1959) 96—100, Figs. 1—2. 31 Korek, J., Neolitikus telep és sírok Dévaványán (Neolithic settlement and graves at Déva ványa). FA XIII (1961) 12. 32 Kalicz, N.—Makkay, J., op. cit., 86, Fig. 34: a—b. 33 Csalog, J., Die Lehren der Ausgrabungen von Szentes—llonapart. Acta Ant. et Arch. 10 (1966) 49—56. 34 Horváth, L., A Szentes Ilonaparti neolitikus telep (The neolithic settlement at Szentes Ilona­part). Budapest (1979) Figs. 9—10. 36 Kalicz, N.—Makkay, J., op. cit., note 202, Fig. 33. 36 G. Szénászky, J., A korai szakáiháti csoport települése Battyonyán (A settlement of the early Szakáihát group at Battonya). Arch. Ért. (1979) 67. 37 Hegedűs, К., A Vésztő mágoridombi újkori és rézkori temetkezések (The Neolithic and Copper Age burials of Vésztő Mágoridomb). Ph. D. Thesis. Budapest (1977) 19. 19

