A Móra Ferenc Múzeum Évkönyve, 1971. 2. (Szeged, 1974)

Marcsik, Antónia: Data of the Copper Age anthropological find of Bárdos-farmstead at Csongrád-Kettőshalom

we find the values of the mean sigma, after Howells, in another paper (1956) of Thoma — is the following: a i=1 a t Thoma calculated on the basis of this formula the similarity of the Bodrog­keresztur culture to the material of the other finds. The values obtained were published by Nemeskéri (1956). For comparing the material of the grave at Csongrád-Kettőshalom with various series, I have applied nine characteristics. These characteristics can be found in case of every cemetery except the Bodrogkeresztur culture that I have not used for calculation. In respect of the Pécel culture — based on the data contained in the Table — it seemed to be necessary to reckon the mean value. The result of the comparison of grave at Csongrád—Kettőshalom according to the formula is as follows. Alexandriya Олександр1я 0,554 Zaporizka 3anopi3bKa 0,555 Bilcze —Zlote 0,829 Vykhvatintsy Выхватинцы 0,927 Podniprovya Подншров'я 0,974 Kapulivka KanyniBKa 1,129 Kamennye Potoki Камяш Потоки 1,238 Pécel cultur 1,295 The next similarity is therefore given by the material of Alexandriya (Sredni Stog II), Zaporizka (Yamnaya) and Bilcze — Zlote (medium Tripolye) and the farthest one naturally by that of the Pécel culture. It can be established even according to the taxonomic analysis that the material from Csongrád considerably differs from that of Pécel and, owing to its strongly marked features, from the population of the Bodrogkeresztur culture. Inferring from his Nordic and Cromagnoid charac­teristics, from his tall stature and robust bony frame, he belongs rather to the popu­lation of the quite early period of the Copper Age in Hungary. REFERENCES Bartucz, L. (1966), A praehistorikus trepanáció és orvostörténeti vonatkozású sírleletek. Paleopatho­logia III. — Budapest, 141—143. Breit inger, E. (1938), Zur Berechnung der Körperhöhe aus den langen Gliedmassenknochen. — Anthrop. Anzeiger, 14. 249—274. Brothwell, D. R. (1959), The use of non-metrical characters of the skull in differentiating populations. — Homo (Supplement), 103—109. Даниленко, В. H. (1969), Неолит Украины. Наукова Думка —Киев. 216—218. Дебец, Т. Ф. (1961), О некоторых направлениях изменений в строении человека современ­ного вида — Cob. Этнография, 2. 9—23. Gáspárdy, G. —Nemeskéri, J. (1959), Paleopathological studies on Copper Age Skeletons found at Alsónémedi. — Acta Morph. Hung., 9. 203—219. Hug, E. (1940), Die Schädel der frühmittelalterlichen Gräber aus dem solothurnischer Aaregebiet in ihrer Stellung zur Reihengräberbevölkerung Mitteleuropas. — Zschr. Morph. Anthr. 38, 402—406. Lipták, P. (1962), Homo sapiens — species collectiva. — Anthr. Közlem., 6, 17—27. Lipták, P. (1965), On the taxonomic method in paleoanthropology (historical anthropology). — Acta Biol. Szeged, 11, 169—183. Lipták, P. (1971), Embertan és emberszármazástan. Tankönyvkiadó. Budapest, 48, 50. Martin, R (1928), Lehrbuch der Anthropologie. II. Aufl. — Jena, 735. 26

