Liska András - Szatmári Imre: Sötét idők rejtélyei. 6-11. századi régészeti emlékek a Kárpát-medencében és környékén - Tempora Obscura 3. (Békéscsaba, 2012)

Horváth Ciprián - Merva Szabina - Tomka Péter: 10th-11th century cemetery of Oroszvár (Rusovce, Slovakia)

HORVATH CIPRIAN - MERVA SZABINA - TOMKA PETER CIPRIÁN HORVÁTH - SZABINA MERVA - PÉTER TOMKA 10TH-1 1th CENTURY CEMETERY OF OROSZVÁR (RUSOVCE, SLOVAKIA) (Summary) The study deals with the 10th—11th century cemetery of Oroszvár (Rusovce, Slovakia) exca­vated in several seasons starting from 1890. Despite of the fact that only a part of the necropo­lis was investigated, we know 300 burials. From the point of view of find material it has simi­lar features with the so-called “common cemeteries”. The most characteristic finds include simple bronze, in rare cases silver jewellery, hair-rings, torques and bracelets, rings, different glass beads and implements. Some special finds, among them so-called Moravian decorated knobs, earrings with chain pendants, capsule decorations; several elements of the burial cus­toms, like the large number of pottery, or lack of certain graves-good, e.g. that of the oboli; some features of the costume (the large number of hair-rings) give us material for the exami­nation of ethnic and cultural circumstances of the western periphery of the later Hungarian Kingdom. The strikingly large number of graves supplied with pottery and the analysis of the burial rite of these burials make us suggest that from this point of view this cemetery is unique in the Carpathian Basin. However, the analysis of the cemetery does not support the sugges­tions according to which the settlement used to be inhabited by Russian population (Oroszvár meaning “Russian castle”) or border guards. Horváth Ciprián ciprián. horvath@gmail. com Merva Szabina MTA BTK Régészeti Intézet 1014 Budapest, Úri u. 49. Tomka Péter tomka.szonyi@gmail. com 404

