Domokos Tamás szerk.: Pro Natura. A Dél-Tiszántúl természeti értékei (Békéscsaba, Munkácsy Mihály Múzeum, 1999)
KÖRÖS-MAROS NEMZETI PARK IGAZGATÓSÁG ILLETÉKESSÉGI TERÜLETE INTRODUCTION In this exhibition we attempt to show the most characteristic biotopes of the Southern Trans-Tisza Region, the fauna and flora of these areas, and through the exhibition besides the aesthetic values of the natural world we would like to emphasise the biodiversity and species richness of these habitats. From 1980 the co-ordination of THE NATURAL INVENTORY OF BÉKÉS COUNTY Project by the Natural History Department of our Museum was the most important task in the area of museological research concerning natural history. These activities in our Museum were reorganised in the 1970-ies. This program was based on the research of the former decades. The priority of this research from the very beginning was to get a better knowledge concerning the flora and fauna of Békés county and the Southern Trans-Tisza Region. The preparation of an inventory of biota, besides the better knowledge of the biota itself, might help the understanding of connections between the elements of the ecological network of species. The protection of the appropriate species and habitats can only be based on such inventories. As a result of the several year-long museological research carried out in the county numerous landscape protection areas were created. These research activities significantly helped the formation of the KÖRÖS-MAROS NATIONAL PARK, which was opened on the 22nd of January 1997. The research activities are far from being completed. The ever-changing anthropological and ecological conditions necessitate the continuing of this activity.