A Békés Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei 1. (Békéscsaba, 1971)

Gulyás Sándor: Botanical analysis of the finds excavated from the 10th century graves in the Pál Liget plot of Szabadkígyós

Botanical analysis of the finds excavated from the 10 th century graves in the Pál Liget plot of Szabadkígyós SÁNDOR GULYÁS The results of the examinations made on the vegetable remains of the 10th century cemetery excavated in the Pál Liget plot of Szabadkígyós are the following: 1. Among the clothing and sewing-thread materials were rests of hemp (Cannabis), flax (Linum), and cotton (Gossypium) fibres, as well as silk and leather remains. .2. On some of the textile remains very intensive red, blue, and green colouring could be observed, which was probably due to a very stable dye. 3. The clothing remains of grave No. 12 contained an extraordinarily large quantity of Angiospermae. This mass of pollen did probably not get there from the soil at the time of the interment, but resulted from the bunches of flowers placed on the deceased. Among the pollen were large quantities of remains of umbelliferae, compositae, labiatae, etc. 4. From the grave No. 1 also wooden remains of the hilt of a sabre were brought to light. The histological examinations indicate that it had been made of quercus. 125

