Szendrei Géza - Tóth Tibor szerk.: A magyarországi szikes talajok felszíni sóásványai (Topographia Mineralogica Hungariae 9. Miskolc, 2006)

CONTENTS Introduction by the editors 5 Types and distribution of salt-affected soils in Hungary, and the characterization of the processes of salt accumulation by T. Tóth and G. Szendrei 7 Compilation and evaluation of available data on salt minerals of efflorescences on the surfaces of salt-affected soils of the world by G. Szendrei 21 Occurrences and characteristics of salt efflorescences in Hungary (till 1998) by G. Szendrei and S. Szakáll 33 Mineralogical investigations of salt efflorescences in Hungary by S. Szakáll, P. Kovács-Pálffy, I. Sajó and A. Kovács 47 The occurrence of salt efflorescences on soil surfaces in Hungary by G. Szendrei, T. Tóth, P. Kovács-Pálffy, I. Sajó, S. Szakáll and Á. Kovács 61 Relationship between salt efflorescences and environmental conditions with special emphasis on edaphological conditions by T. Tóth and G. Szendrei 79 References 91

