Papp Gábor: A magyar topografikus és leíró ásványtan története (Topographia Mineralogica Hungariae 7. Miskolc, 2002)

VI. ÚJ SZINTÉZISEK FELÉ? (az 1980-as évek közepe óta eltelt időszak)

1950: (D The Geochemical Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) is founded, adjoining the Institute of Mineralogy and Petrology of the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE). •=> 1955 1951: MS Tokody, László - Dudich-Vendl, Mária: Magyarország meteoritgyűjteményei I Meteorite-collections in Hungary. (Budapest). 1952: jf Acta Geologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae is released (in 1983 superseded by Acta Geologica Hungarica) (Budapest). 1952: MS Koch, Sándor: A magyar ásványtan története [History of Hungarian mineral­ogy] (Budapest). The only complete history of Hungarian mineralogy pub­lished so far. 1952: B3 The Department of Mineralogy and the Department of Petrology and Geo­chemistry are formed within the Institute of Mineralogy and Petrology of the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE). ^ 1957 1952: (D The Section of Mineralogy and Petrology of the Hungarian Geological Soci­ety (MFT) is founded, but exists only for one year. •=> 1960 1953: MS Grasselly, Gyula: Ásvány- és ércelemzési módszerek [Methods of mineral and ore analysis] (Budapest). University textbook. 1953: <D The Hungarian Natural Scientific Association (formerly Royal Hungarian Natural Scientific Association) de facto ceases to exist. The Society for the Propagation of General Knowledge on Natural and Social Sciences is founded (Társadalom- és Természettudományi Ismeretterjesztő Társulat, TTIT). From 1958 on it is called the Society for the Propagation of General Knowledge on Science (Tudományos Ismeretterjesztő Társulat, TIT). O 1990 1954: MS Erdélyi, János: Kristály szerkesztés és kristály számítás [Crystallographical construction and calculation] (Budapest). University textbook. 1955: (D The Geochemical Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences is transformed to the Geochemical Research Laboratory of the Hungarian Acad­emy of Sciences (MTA GKL). 1955: MS Koch, Sándor - Sztrókay, Kálmán: Ásványtan [Mineralogy] (Budapest). Uni­versity textbook. ^> 1967 1955: MS Szádeczky-Kardoss, Elemér: Geokémia [Geochemistry] (Budapest). 1956: (gjb Approximately 80% of the mineral collection of the Natural History Museum (TTM) is destroyed in the fire of the Hungarian National Museum (MNM) during the Soviet intervention. 1956: G3 New name for the Department of Mineralogy and Geology at the Technical University for Heavy Industry in Miskolc: Department of Mineralogy and Pe­trology. 1957: EES The Institute of Mineralogy and Petrology of ELTE ceases to exist as a unit. 1957: jf Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nomi­natae, Sectio Geologica (Budapest) is released. (Publishes mineralogical pa­pers until 1986.) 1959: MS Vendel, Miklós: A kőzetmeghatározás módszertana [Methodology of rock identification] (Budapest). University textbook. 1960: ® The Section of Clay Mineralogy of the Hungarian Geological Society (MFT) is founded. O 1963

