Szakáll Sándor - Weiszburg Tamás szerk.: A telkibányai érces terület ásványai (Topographia Mineralogica Hungariae 2. Miskolc, 1994)
CONTENTS Preface by Mester, L 7 Introduction by Szakáll, S. & Weiszburg, TG 9 Transcription of a text originally formulated in 1683 describing the tragedy of the collapsing mine (Roth wasser) in earlier times 17 Recent and ancient geological and mining activities in the Telkibánya mining region by Székyné Fux V. 21 Geological build-up and evolution of Telkibánya and its environs by Kozák, M. 45 Volcano-tectonic al characteristics of the mineralized region at Telkibánya by Zelenka, T 81 New data on the gold-silver mining region near Telkibánya (NE-Hungary) by Horváth, J. & Zelenka, T. 87 Genetical pecularities of Telkibánya ore deposit on the basis of fluid inclusion studies by Molnár, F. 113 Surface geochemical survey in the Telkibánya region by Horváth, I., Fügedi, U., Ódor, L. & Tungli, Gy. 133 Native elements of Telkibánya ore deposit by Szakáll, S. & Kovács, Á 141 Sulphide minerals of Telkibánya ore deposit by Szakáll, S., Molnár, F., Kovács, Á. & Dódony, I. 149 Oxide minerals of Telkibánya ore deposit by Molnár, F. & Szakáll, S 181 History of the Telkibánya opal ("Telkebanyerstein") by Papp, G 199 Mineralogical study of the opal varieties from Telkibánya (NE-Hungary) by Takács, J. 209 Potassium feldspars in the Telkibánya ore deposit by Molnár, F. 225 Sulphate minerals of Telkibánya ore deposit by Szakáll, S., Bognár, L. & Kovács, A 233 Carbonate minerals of Telkibánya ore deposit by Szakáll, S. & Kovács, A. . . .247 Halides of Telkibánya ore deposit by Szakáll, S., Dódony., I. & Kovács, Á. . . .253