A Miskolci Herman Ottó Múzeum Közleményei 24. (Miskolc, 1986)
201 Vlastivedny spravodaj Tekovského múzea v Leviciach (Liszka József) 201 Naukovij zbirnik muzeju ukrajinszkoji kulturi u Szvidniku (Udvari István) 203 Václáv Frolec-Jaromir Kubicek (red.): Bibliographie Etnographica Carpatobalcanica (Dankó Imre) 204 Milada Kubová: Bibliográfia Slovenskej Etnografie a folkloristiky za roky 1976-1980 (Dankó Imre) 205 Zlatá podkova, zlaté pero, zlaty vlas II. (Bodnár Mónika) 206 Václáv Frolec-Josef Vareka (red.): Lidová architektúra. Encyklopedie (Dankó Imre) 207 Juraj Valiska: Nemecké náreőie Dobsínej. Prispevok k vyskumu zanikania náreéi enkláv (Szabó Marianne) 208 Metodicky spravodaj. Mimoriadne éislo venované 300. vyroéiu narodenia Mateja Bela (Liszka József) 209 Ján Michálek: ProtifaSicky odboj na Slovensku v rozprávaniach ludu (Páricsi Zsolt) 210 Milan Majtán-Matej Provazaj: Meno pre naSe diéta (Mizser Lajos) 212 Viera Abelová-Milan Chlebana: Praslice na okoli Trenéina (Fügedi Márta) 212 Andrej Chudoba-Milan HlóSka: Od Tekova vietor veje (Liszka József) 213 Peter Svorc: Straba (Kovács István) CONTENTS ARCHEOLOGICAL CONFERENCE IN MISKOLC 1 B. Hellebrandt, M. : Introduction 2 Simán, K. : Report on thé excavation of an upper-paleolithic site at Hidasnémeti-Borházdűlő 5 Patay, P. : Report on the site excavation of copper age at Tiszalúc-Sarkad 10 Lovász, E.: About the German cemetery at Tiszakarád 15 Sz. Kállay, A.: Preliminary report on the rescue excavation in the orchard at Füzesabony-Pusztaszikszó 18 S. Koos, J.: Report on the excavations at Felsővadász-Várdomb (1982-1984) 21 B. Hellebrandt, M. : Uncovering of the cemetery of Scythian age at Kesznyéten 23 Révész, L.: Traces of a colony from the IX-X. centuries at Mezőkövesd 34 Szabó J. , J. : The experiences of the excavations at Gyöngyös-Mátrafüred, 1985 36 Fodor, L.: Short summary on the excavation of the monastery of Order of St. Paul at Almárvölgy 41 Dankó, K.: About the research works in Sárospatak-Castle, 1985 HISTORICAL PUBLICATIONS 48 Joó, T. : Paulite monasteries near Gönc Németh, G.: Copper plate engravings representing Szikszó from the XVII. century 69 Balázs, J.: The founder of the paper mill at Diósgyőr 71 Iglói, Gy.: Belegrád mill in Miskolc 80 Veres, L.: Glass etching and engraving in the XIX. century in Miskolc 87 János, I.: Unknown handwritten poem collection from the beginning of the XIX. century 93 Csorba, Cs.: Váradi Balázs's notes in Gesztely in his captivity 98 Németh, Gy.: Details from a „honvéd" lieutenant's notes^from World War I. CHAPTERS FROM THE ETHNOGRAPHY OF TAKTAKÖZ 103 Páll, I. : The ethnographical appearance of Taktaköz on the basis of the socage registrations of 1772 109 Bencsik, J.: Attempt at the ethnographical analysis of Taktaköz with the help of the parish registers and recent ethnographical material 116 Petercsák, T.: Folk architecture and home culture in Taktaköz 120 Csősz-Szabó, 1.: The cemetery and burial at Tiszaladány ETHNOGRAPHICAL PUBLICATIONS 125 Viga, Gy.: Data from Bükk region to the migration of peasant labour 131 Ujváry, Z. : Mummers with gipsy mask 137 Szabó, F.: North-Hungarian place nemes referring to market 142 G. Tari, M.: The vowel system of the present language of village Hanva 146 Balázs, G.: The individual and household sheep-farming at Ároktő (Additional data to the present forms of sheep-farming) 156 Viga, Gy.: To the natural refuges of shepherding in Bükk mountain 162 Liszka, J. : Slipway from Szőgyén 164 Faggyas, I.: Wheat straw utilization in sheepfarming at Kelemér MUSEOLOGY - PUBLIC EDUCATION 166 Goda, G.: Conversation with Tenkács Tibor, painter 175 Végvári L.: About Gyémánt László 179 Szilágyi, D.: Masterpieces of fine arts in Szilágyi's collection 184 Villangó, I. : Opening speech at the new permanent exhibition of Tokaj Museum 186 Vanyó, L.: Opening speech at Götz János's exhibition in Sárospatak