Szolyák Péter - Csengeri Piroska (szerk.): A Herman Ottó Múzeum Évkönyve 56. (Miskolc, 2017)

Régészet - Tarbay, János Gábor: New Late Bronze Age Metal Finds from Gönc

New Late Bronze Age Metal Finds from Gönc 15 (Mozsolics 1967,174-176, Taf. 54.3-6, 8-10, Taf. 55.1-5, 7—11). One sickle from Dévaványa-Révhely mező was found in a hoard, characterisdc to the Br C (Mozsolics 1985, 112, Taf. 226c.1). A handful of specimens have appeared in hoards associated with the Br D period and Br D-На A1 time interval (Mozsolics 1973, 159—160, 182-183, Taf. 57b.5-6,10, Taf. 57d.9; Kobály 1999, 41, 45, IX. tábla 14; V. Szabó 2016, Abb. 34). Two sickles were recently published from a settlement dominated by Hajdúbagos type ceramic style (Dani 2017,156—157, 6. kép 2). Most of the known specimens were deposited in hoards of the Kurd horizon (Ha Al) in Eastern and Western Hungary as well (Mozsolics 1985,86-87,96-97, 131-137, 150, 154-155, 176, 178-179, 182, 197-198, 199-200, 204, 210-211, Taf. 33.3-9, Taf. 139.9-11, Taf. 172.9, Taf. 176.2, 4, 6-7, Taf. 180.10, 16-17, 19, Taf. 184.2-3, Taf. 188.4-5, Taf. 191.1-5, Taf. 193.3, Taf. 196.4, Taf. 201.2-3, 5-6, Taf. 206.27, Taf. 220.11, Taf. 221.19, Taf. 226a.2-4; Kemenczei 1984,178, 188-189, Taf. CCX.l,Taf. CLXXXIV.2; B. Hellebrandt 1986,4. kép; Kemenczei 1996a, 232-233, Fig. 7.1,5; Kobály 1999, 40, 44-45, V. tábla 5; Makkay 2006, Pl. XV.126-128; V. Szabó 2016, Abb. 12).8 Some were associated with the Ha A2. However, typological knowledge of present­­day research suggest that their most recent finds refer to Ha A2-Ha B1 (Napkor, Mátraszólős-Kerekbükk) or Ha B1 deposition (Borsodgeszt, Hódmezővásárhely, Szendrőlád-Kőbánya tető). In both cases, these hoards have a long time interval starting from at least the Ha Al (Sennovitz 1902, I. tábla 7; Tárnoki 1987, V. tábla 5, 7—8, И, 14; Kemenczei 1996b, 57, Abb. 15.7; Mozsolics 1985, 128, 157-158, 192, Taf. 255.7, Taf. 257.12, Taf. 263.15; Kemenczei 2003, Taf. 3.15; V. Szabó 2016, Abb. 5). In the Ha Bl, the number of the knobbed sickles with one inner rib has been decreased (Mozsolics 2000, 55, 59-60, 63-64, 68-69, 91-92, Taf. 53.14, Taf. 63.7, Taf. 70.6, Taf. 80.14-15, 19-20, Taf. 118.3). In Transcarpathia, most sickles with one inner rib were deposited between the Serie Kriva and Serie Lazy which roughly correlates with the Br D-На Al. Only two specimens from Suskovo I were associated with the less certain На A2 period (Kobal’ 2000, 73-76, 84-85, 88-89, 93-97, 99, Taf. 28b.6, Taf. 34b.6, Taf 36.23-25, Taf. 43.a.6, Taf. 43d.3, 6, Taf. 44.9, Taf. 46a.5-9,11, 15, Taf. 49.75, 77-78, 80-81, 85, Taf. 8 A stray find was also published from Kék (Jósa—Kemenczei 1965, LXX. t. 26). A specimen is known from the uncertain Nógrádmarcal „hoard”, part of a long-lost private collection (Márton 1911, 329-330). Based on the published illustrations it is not entirely clear that the sickles from Ecseg-Kozárdi hegy belong to this group (Pintér 1899, II. tábla). 52.46-47, 49, 52, 54-55, 57-58, 60, Taf. 49.75, 77-78, 80-81, 85, Taf. 53.61-63, 65, 68-70, 72-74, Taf. 69c.l, Taf. 78e, Taf. 74.21, 23, Taf. 95b.l-3, Taf. 96.12-13, 16—17). In Eastern Ukraine, they were associated with Ha A, Period IV (Ha A2-Ha Bl) and Period V (Ha B2-Ha B3) (Zurowski 1948, 159, 163, 198-200, Tabl. XVII.1, 3-6, XVIII.1-2, 8; Krusel’nyc’ka 1987, Abb. 9). Knobbed sickles with similar decoration are quite common in the territory of Poland where they have appeared in various contexts (settlement, grave, wetland context, stray find). The chronological position of the Polish specimens were established by hoard chronology, which shows similar pattern to the Carpathian Basin. Earliest specimen have appeared in a Periode II (Br B-Br C) hoard from Zal^zie. The rest of them belong to Periode III (Br D-На Al) and Periode IV (Ha A2- Ha Bl) finds, the youngest dating was given to the Karmin II hoard (Periode V/Ha B2-Ha B3) (Gedl 1995, 25-26, 28-29, 34-36, 39, 41-43, 73, Taf. 2.22, 26, 28a, 29, Taf. 3.40, 42, 47-48, Taf 4.49, 51-52, 58-59, 61, Taf. 5.66, 68, 71, Taf. 7.109, Taf. 8.112—113, 121-122, 124, 127-128, Taf. 9.132, 135, 139, Taf. 10.159-161, 163-164, Taf. 11.167-174, 177, 179, Taf. 24.450-452, 455). In Transylvania, these sickles were found as stray finds or as parts of hoards dated to the Br D-Ha Bl periods. Most of them were deposited in the Ha Al (Mozsolics 1973, 131-132, Taf. 46.16; Petrescu- Dímbovita 1978, 19-20, 98, 105, 113-114, 116-117, 120, 127-131,132-135,137,145-146, Taf. 21.17,19-21, Taf. 41b.8-10, Taf. 80b.6, Taf. 86c.8, Taf. 101.16, Taf. 145.187,189, 202, Taf 146.214, Taf. 168.177, 180, 184, Taf. 279.180-184,186,192-193, Taf. 216b.5, Taf. 245.33, Taf. 248a.39, Taf. 249d.l; Soroceanu 1981, Abb. 4.9, 12-14; Kemenczei 1991, 5. ábra 1-4; Soroceanu 1995, 199, Abb. 3.1-2; Ciugudean etal. 2006, Pl. XI.1-2,4-7, 9-10; Bejinariu 2007, Pl. VII.25; Kacsó 2009, Abb. 6.4, Abb. 16.3; Rezi 2009, PL 3.5; Kacsó 2010, PL 5.4; Jovanovic et al. 2011, T. X.69; Hansen et al. 2015, Fig. 4.7). According to Václav Furmánek’s chronological model, the Slovakian finds can be dated between the Br C-На Al, but they are dominant in the Br D-На Al (Furmánek 2006, 21, 24-25,28-31, Taf. 2.20-22, 26, 28, 37, Taf. 3.38-45, 49, 51, 53-56, Taf. 4.57, 60, 62, 64, 68, 71, Taf. 5.74, 86-87, Taf. 6.90, 93, 95, 97, 100, 106, Taf. 7.108, 112—115, 120). Some specimens were found in the territory of Serbia mostly in the Stufe II (Br D-На A), only one from Subotice was dated to the Stufe III (На A2) (Vasic 1994, 21-22, Taf. 1.4, 6-7, 14, 17, 20, Taf. 2.22, 24, 27). The Croatian finds were associated with the Phase II (Ha Al, Br D-На Al) (Vinski-Gasparini 1973, 212, 214, 217, Tab. 29.13-14,

