A Herman Ottó Múzeum Évkönyve 45. (2006)

Ringer Arpád-Szolyák Péter—Kordos László-Regős József-Heinzlmann Kinga: A Herman Ottó-barlang és a Herman Ottó-kőfülke paleolit leletanyagának revíziós lehetőségei

section plán and Kadic's stratigraphical section plán cannot be connected to each other directly. The distance between them is about 4.4 metres. To understand the assemblage better, we make techno-typological analyses of the lithics, using the approach of chatne opératoire. We alsó started taphonomical study of flints. We will publish the results of these researches later. A molar and a boné fragment of a cave bear were selected for radiocarbon dating from the collection of The National Geological Museum of the Geological Institute of Hungary in 2003. These ones were found in layer 2 in 1915. The Béta Analytic Inc. (Miami, USA) made the AMS dating. We got four dates: 35410±660 BP (AMS) and 35440±660 BP (conventional) from tooth, and 35630±630 BP (AMS) and 35680±630 BP (conventional) from boné. (See the table of the study for details.) Árpád Ringer-Péter Szolyák-László Kordos-József Regős—Kinga Heinzlmann 23

