A Herman Ottó Múzeum Évkönyve 24. (1986)

STUDIES CONCERNING ETHNOGRAPHY LAJOS MIZSER: Family-names of the village Cserépfalu in the 16—17th cen­tury 223 ISTVÁN PÁLL: Historical data relating to the popular building in Taktaköz (Takta­region) 237 GYULA KAVECSÁNSZKI: Popular building of the villages Rátka, Hercegkút and Károlyfalva 245 GÉZA BALÁZS: Production and consumption of spirits in the region of Middle­Tisza 273 GYULA VIGA: Nicholas Nagy Pal's carved stock in the Béla Béres collection 289 JÓZSEF SZABADFALVI: Ethnographical research about the pig-breeding in Hun­gary 293 ANDRÁS SZIKORA: Order of grazing in village Monok at the beginning of this century 303 LÁSZLÓ D. VARGA: Data relating to the grazing on the Ung-Laborc-Latorca region 317 ARCHEOLOGY MAGDOLNA, B. HELLEBRANDT: Bronze articles from Ócsanálos-Várdomb 343 MÁRIA L. WOLF— KATALIN SIMÁN: Diggings and find-savings by the museum „Herman Ottó" in the year 1984 347 10

