A Herman Ottó Múzeum Évkönyve 22-23. (1985)

SIMÁN Katalin: Paleolit leletek Sajószentpéteren

PALAEOLITHIC FINDS ON NAGYKORCSOLÁS HILL AT SAJÓSZENTPÉTER (NE HUNGARY) (Summary) Collecting tours and excavations on the Nagykorcsolás Hill (Bükk Mts NE Hungary) yielded the remains of a middle and an upper palaeolithic settlement. The finds were lying in disturbed layers. The small quantity is unsuitable for analysis, the types, however, allow to define cultural relations of the finds. The middle palaeolithic assemblage, consisting of 43 pieces, contains mainly scrapers and leaf scrapers (Blattschaber). The characteristic raw material is the glassy quartzporphyry (provenience: Bükk Mts). This assemblage belongs to the bábonyian industry, i. e. the NE Hungarian variant of the Central European Micoqian. The upper palaeolithic finds, comprising 26 tools, are represented by neutral types. The assemblage resembles the Bodrogkeresztúr type of the Hungarian gravettian. Katalin Simán 20

