A Herman Ottó Múzeum Évkönyve 21. (1982)
CONTENTS NÁNDOR PARÁDI: Donjon in Kacs in Middle Age 9 ISTVÁN FELD: Research of the Presbyterian Church in Zubogy 31 ZSUZSA LUKÁCS: Gothic Chalice and Paten in Zubogy 59 GYÖRGY V. SZÉKELY: Coin Finding of the 17th c. in Zubogy 75 BALÁZS ERDÉLYI: Archeological Air Photo and Interpretation of Air Photo 81 LÁSZLÓ KIS PAPP: Photogrammetry in Architecture and Archeology 89 KATALIN SIMÁN: Findings from the Cooper Age and Imperial Period in Mezőzombor 101 MÁRIA L. WOLF-KATALIN SIMÁN: Excavations and Rescue Excavations of the Herman Ottó Museum in 1980-1982 109 CSABA CSORBA: Records of the Fige Family 125 ISTVÁN DOBROSSY-GYULA IGLÓI: Buildings in the Crown Lands in Miskolc at the Beginning of the 19th c 137 LÁSZLÓ VERES: Role of Wooded Property in Farming of the Crown Lands in Diósgyőr in the Second Part of the 18th c 165 SÁNDOR SCHEIBER: Jewish Headstones in Hegyalja. 177 Mrs. IRÉN VARGA, née ZALÁN: Musical Life in Miskolc in the Interwar Period ... 195 ANDOR SEMSEY: Old Hungarian Ex-libris in Collection of the Zempléni Museum .... 221 GYULA VIGA: Manner of Life in Villages of Bükk 231 MÁRTA FÜGEDI: Women's Costume in Bükkalja 241 MIKLÓS CSERI: Popular Dwelly Culture in Valley of Szuha-brook 259